Grime Passion

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Bodies , passion , grinding
my three favorite words the tip of his penis inside of me creates a ' tingling sensation in my body from head to toe even when I'm just thinking about it I still have that tingling feeling inside of me ,

him repeatedly slamming his penis into my vagina his balls smacking on the outside ' causing a vibrating feeling. Him doing it for hours and hours , but sometimes I wonder

' does he ever feel the same way?


I was at my locker putting in my history books. I had Algebra and Biology , Science ,then Math.

My favorite subjects (sarcasm)

to be honest I hate all of my classes they can eat a dick.

" αrѕíαnα, come the hell on or you're gonna be late for class. "

My older sister Melanie Martinez shouted from across.

" Melanie , seriously shut the fuck up. what the hell do you think I'm trying to do , god damn. "

I splatted out then I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker door shut and grabbed my bag.

" I'm like this close to selling you to an orphanage. "

I said to myself making my way to Algebra.

I could feel Melanie giving me a death glare but at the same time I really don't give a ' shit she knows how I am with being rushed.


I made my way to Algebra but it was only a matter of time before I stopped in my tracks I noticed four eyes on me.

I looked up to find none other then the biggest assholes in school , so I've been told.

There is the rainbow hair colored cutie Michael Clifford

I truly believe he's a sweetheart and very good looking but people say he seems to be an ass , but you didn't hear this from me I guess he " smells like ass " as well but people start rumors that aren't true in this school it's like tabloid lies , which I never believe anyways , those are just people who don't have the balls to say it to his face.

Up next is the smiley dimple faced cutie Ashton Irwin.

I think he is a cutie pie but others say he's a dick because he uses people more like girls for their money or even sex so I guess he's a " gold digger " as girls say , probably because they don't understand what a one night stand is and the term nothing serious but the sluts still love him all well not my battle not my fault.

Next is the smoking hot body and just basically hot bad boy Calum Hood.

Hands down he is the second most hottest guys in school not a doubt in my soul to ever lie about him I think he is a genuine guy but others say the whole bad boy thing is just for " his image " but they don't know Calum and to be honest neither do I but I'll love to.

And last but not least is the shy quiet hottie with the beautiful blue eyes Luke Hemmings.

Luke is the number one most hottest guys in school today but apparently he hasn't dated none of the girls at this slut infested school  which is kinda because well they're sluts , but I cannot lie I wonder why sometimes. I hear girls asks him out on a daily basis but he just turns them down so the girls call him the
" Heartbreaker   " he breaks the girls hearts without even  being in a relationship  , maybe he wants to be in a committed relationship but some girls are to busy sucking every dick that they see to really notice that.

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