Criticism Unicorn

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(I'm thinking about changing her name  , if you think I should name her to something else just comment. :))

Luke's pov

" So is the whore coming to the party or what? "

Arzaylea , asked Michael looking him straight in his eyes

He lowered his head down looking at the ground.

Arzaylea groaned as she rolled her eyes at Michael.

" What the hell Clifford , I believe I told you and the rest of you guys to do this for me ? "

I was hiding behind the bleachers ease dropping on their conversation.

They never tell me anything because I'm the "baby" of the group , ugh whatever.

" look I'm sorry we didn't even see her today I saw her sister , me and the guys saw her sister today but that's it."

Michael tried to defend himself and the rest of the guys.

I was so confused who were they talking about?

" Well.. Who is this sister everyone keeps talking about is she new?"

Azaylea , said coming closer to Michael in a intimidating way.

I wanted to hear a little more about this person , but I took a quick glance at someone only to realize it was Lilac ,

She was walking with her two friends before I knew it I started walking from under the bleachers completely forgetting Arzaylea and Michaels are standing on top of the bleachers.

I started walking from under the bleachers.

" Where are you going Lucas? "

Azaylea , asked curiously in a nosy way.

" My name is not Lucas it's just Luke , where I'm going is none of your damn business alright so go choke on a big one."

I snapped , I proudly walked off as Azaylea gasps at my words I can tell her face was beyond red.

I began to hide behind some of the cars , I thought to myself before I continued to follow her.

" No Luke you are not going to do this if she finds out you stalk her she'd never wanna date you although I need to know how to get to her house anyways , wait no stop Luke." 

I thinking in my head but then I heard one of her friends say my name so I said fuck it.

I continued to follow after her , you can tell I never did anything like this before.

After a while she was stepping on her front porch , which I assume is her house.

I took that as my opportunity to continue more of my stalking.

" Damnit Luke, "

I crossed the street quickly , I went around the back I began peaking my head out I notice there was a couple spooning  , it was Melanie and some guy on a kitchen table spooning.

I started getting grossed out.

I was about turn around and leave but then Lilac walked in shouting at them one thing lead to another next thing I know Arísana is backed up into a corner.

My blood started to boil I tried to contain myself.

I was just watching Lilac get mistreated by this asshole but then a light blub lit up in my head.

            Few minutes later

Alex was coming out of Arísana's
home I took a picture of his  license plate.

He stepped outside walking out to his motorcycle,

" So you wanna put your hands on a female? Okay you have a rude awakening coming straight for you...

Uh oh! Luke what is going through your mind?! So I'm writing another smut about 5sos called Fuqkboi please go read! But beautiful critters! You all are so amazing thank you so much!! For 2.9k! Please
Vote//Comment//& share my stories I love you stay beautiful

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