Smutty secrets

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" Here's a ice pack for your head Melanie, there's extra ice in the pack."

Dylan offered , while handing Melanie a Ice pack.

Melanie glanced up at Dylan and took the Ice pack from his hand placing it to the side of her head, thanking him in return.

We all just looked at each, until I finally spoked up.

" Melanie."

I walked over to her, and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind.

" Thank you, you're all a little sister wants in a big sister."

I said , kissing her cheek.

" I love you, Lilac."

" I love you too, Melanie. So I know this is probably the last thing on your mind right now but are you coming to Kylie Jenners party tomorrow? "

I curiously asked, looking down playing with my thumbs waiting for her answer.

" No actually, I just wanna relax and have some me time is that okay, Lilac?"

Melanie responded.

As Lilac nodded in agreement.

" I understand Mel's, you do need a little bit of alone time."

I said ruffling my hair.


" Alright you two I'm heading home T.G.I Friday , I'm extremely exhausted so night my wild things."

Alessia said standing up giving both me and Dylan kisses on our cheek gave us a hug then left.

Once I heard the front door close I glanced at Dylan.

" Do you? "

He asked getting up wrapping his arm around my shoulder making me lean my head against his shoulder leaving me confused.

" What do you mean my love? "

I asked curiously looking up at him slowly.

" Do you really have a crush on Luke Hemmings? "

He asked with a blank expression in his face holding me a little closer.

Before I could say anything I looked down at my hands shrugging.

" I have no idea Dylan."

I replied as I rub my nose along his white T-shirt taking in his Vanilla scent gosh I love his smell he smells like heaven , sorry I just love it when a guy has a sweet smell to him.

" Maybe this can make up your mind."

Before I could respond Dylan pressed his lips against mines with such lust and passion.

I automatically kissed back I could already feel his tongue inside of my mouth as he pulled away looking at me

"You okay?"

he questioned, nuzzling his nose into my cheek.

I nodded, blinking a few times to make sure what just happened actually happened.

A grin made its way onto my face and I could feel myself becoming aroused all over again.

It was at that moment I realized how hard Dylan was.

I turned over, chest pressed up against Dylan's as my hand is gliding down to grab his cock.

He jumped at the feeling, my hand dipping into his boxer briefs and feeling cold against his warm cock.

I sat up on my knees, stroking his cock and giving Dylan a sloppy kiss.

His hands tugged at my tank top, breaking the kiss so he could pull it off.

"No bra or panties so naughty,"

he chuckled, hands grabbing my breasts and massaging them.

I straddled him, both my clothed cores pressing up against each other's.

"I want you," I seductively said, grinding down on him slowly.

Dylan whimpered, hands falling onto my hips and bucking up into me.

I wanted him and he wanted me, he wanted me so bad.

Rocking my hips against his I let out tiny whimpers, scratching at his chest.

Dylan pulled down the front of my Gray Adidas short, thumb pressing onto my clit.

I leaned back on his hands, biting my bottom lip to suppress the moans.

Soon my clothes were off and his cock was inside of me

raising my leg up and showing me my goods.

Dylan stroked his cock a few times sliding into me.

I gasped at the feeling, his hand grabbing my chin to make me look at the sight.

"Look at that,"

Dylan said, beginning to thrust.

His strokes were long, leaving me breathless.

I moaned at the sight, mouth agape as I watched his cock enter me.

It looked amazing, seeing him disappear and reappear.

"Harder," I demanded, pushing back against him.

Things were getting slippery, but I didn't care.

I wanted Dylan to take me.

Stepping one foot out , he began to pound into me.

I giggled in delight, nails digging into his biceps.

I was already sensitive, my clit throbbing at the over stimulation Dylan was giving to me.

It was both pleasurable and painful.

More pleasure than anything.

Lucky for me I'm not masturbation material.

"S-shit just like that, keep going."

I paced biting on my arm.

Dylan's pace slowed as he felt his own release approaching, going in deep and making me feel every inch of his cock.

"Not gonna last long,"

he grunted, rolling his hips into mines.

I nodded in agreement, tears pricking at the corner of my eyes as I rained down on his cock.

My release sent Dylan over the edge and he grunted, a series of swears leaving his lips.

Dylan gave slow lazy strokes as he rode out my highs, hips coming to a halt.

I was tired out, knees weakening once Dylan pulled out.

I would have sank down to the floor if it wasn't for him holding me up.

I really wasn't going to walk for the next few days.

Deciding to milk out this day as long as I could before it was all over.

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Beautiful Critters! Don't panic there is gonna be a smut between Arísana and Luke just have patients next chapter is gonna be Luke's Pov, but anyways Please go and follow this cutie for me Jaxsonn and read his book, literally the most sensual intense book ever just please go read and also thank you so much for 1 thousand reads you beautiful critters are amazing! kk bye love you all stay beautiful.💫🙊❤

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