Wise Stupidity

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( Her Dress)

Arsíana pov

I was getting ready for Kylie's party,

it's been 18 hours since I last spoke to Dylan you would call me a liar if I say this wasn't the first time me and Dylan had sex before,

Dylan is just someone important in my life and I would do nothing to mess it up,

" Arisana! Your ride is coming in 54 minutes , beautiful,"

Melanie reminded me , downstairs as I finished straighten the last bit of my hair,

" Okay Melanie I'll be down in just a few , "

I replied setting down my straightener and I grabbed my heels,

So apparently Alessia isn't able to make it to the party , she explained to me that she rather slam her tongue in a car door then to go to some party she's so amazing,

So it's just me , Dylan , and Luke well and his other friends damnit Alessia now I'm stuck with all guys tonight ,

My thoughts were being cut off by someone opening my window , he actually surprised ,

" Dylan , what are you doing here? We were suppose to pick you up , I mean not that you're not welcome here I was just curious,"

I asked nervously , wait why am I getting nervous for it's just
Dylan ,

" Well it's wonderful to see you again Arísana but I'm not coming to the party either I'm so sorry but I know me , I'm not trying to miss up anyone's night,

He kissed my lips running his hands through my hair causing my breathing to be uneasy,

" Especially not your night babe,"

He rubbed my cheek just smiling in my face I love his smile,

" I understand Dylan , "

I pulled away from his grip only to lock the door and close the window and curtains,

I turned around and smirked,

" I have 54 mintues Dylan , lets make it count ,"

With that he leant down placing small kisses over my jawline and kissed over my neck, He found my sweet spot and licked over it, his plump lips sucked down onto it lifting me and placing me on my dresser ,

I bucked my hips into his as he grabbed my hips. He ducked his head further and sucked harder, I rested my head on his as it felt so good and I couldn't control it.

I ran my fingers though his hair and lifted my leg around his waist.

" Dylan "

I whimpered, he grinded his crotch into mine and kissed back up my neck.

I felt my wetness begin to grow in my panties as I ran my fingers over his broad chest.

His hands were soothing over my curves and he stroked down my thigh that was hitch over his waist.

I stroked my fingers over his jaw and moved my thumb over his lips.

" You're so beautiful,"

he moaned leaning forward and reconnecting our lips,

I had only kissed him once today but I knew I was going to be addicted to his kiss,

His hands came under my pulling it up,

I let out a short breath and looked down,

" you are so amazing,"

he said looking deeply into his big brown eyes,

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