Isolated pleasures

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Hi I'm Arísana.. Arísana Martinez."

I said with a smile reaching for a hand shake but instead he grabbed my hand and pecked it on the back.

" It's nice to properly meet you Arísana you're Melanie's younger sister right? "

Luke asked smiling

" It's nice to properly meet you as well and yes I'm Melanie's younger sister I really don't claim her all like that but yeah she is. "

I said awkwardly because I noticed I was the only one talking..a lot!

"Your pretty when you talk it's cute and attractive , any ways maybe we could hangout sometime if you would like? Tomorrow night me and my friends are going to Kylie Jenners party would you join me? I mean us."

Luke asked sticking a hand in his pocket and the other holding the back of his neck.

I was smiling but I really wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.

" Thank you , and I would love to come with you Kylie is one of my closest friends , but is it alright if Alessia and Dylan comes a long."

I asked running a hand through my soft hair.

" Of course , " He turns to Alessia
" What's up Alessia."

He said smiling

" Sup Luke , sorry for shouting at you tell the guys I said What's up."

Alessia causally said

He nodded in response and said

" Sure thing , Alright so I'll see you two around 7:00 pm I'll pick you see you ther-

Luke was cut off by bumping into the wall.

"Well now we're even stud."

I said with a huge grin on my face.

He embarrassingly smiled waved goodbye then left.

" You like Luke Hemmings! "

Alessia shouted out, as I quickly covered her mouth.

" I'm don't even know if I do , he probably doesn't even- omg could we just walk to my house already."

I exclaimed changing the subject and letting go of her mouth.

" Whatever you say your majesty and plus Dylan is probably waiting for us right now."

Alessia said bowing down

" Whatever c'mon. "

I scoffed and rolled my eyes then started walking away.

At the end of the hallway we both saw a smiling Dylan Dauzat
(look him up.)

" My lovely bones are together as always."

Dylan said giving me and Alessia a great big bear hug.

It's annoying how nice he is to us.
" Hey Dylan."

We both said letting go.

" Let's get this show on the road."

Dylan said signaling us to start walking.

" Yes you do."

Dylan said

" No I don't "

I clarified taking another sip of my Vanilla Bean frappuccino  from Starbucks.

" Yes she does she's just not admitting it."

Alessia said with such a cocky smile.

" Omg for the last time I do not have a crush on Luke Hemmings!"

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