Random Ass Questions Tag

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Yep, zombieplayz tagged me to do this shit so... Yeah. Don't ask me what the fuck is going on in this tag because I have no clue... Alright, prepare your brains because this is going to be random, but I'm going to try to make it a little easier to comprehend... Here it goes.

Question 1- How do you plea before court when you're convicted for murder?

Answer 1- I'll blame the cat... Simple.

Question 2- How do you like your x readers on a scale of fluff to lemon?

Answer 2- I LOVE fluffy x readers! It's so adorable!

Question 3- What's your favorite method of self defence?

Answer 3- A gun... FIGHT ME, BITCH!!!!!

Question 4- What would you do if you were God?

Answer 4- Make everyone Hybrids and give everyone a special, unique super power! I'd also make it to were everyone has homes and a good home and school life... Yep, I went there.

Question 5- If a demon offered you a deal you would benefit from, would you accept?

Answer 5- *Grabs a cross and holy water* "You better back the fuck off before I eat your soul, bitch!!!" In other words, no...

Question 6- Pocky addict?

Answer 6- Do you even anime, bruh? Fuck yes!!! Chocolate is my shit!

Question 7- If you could unlearn anything what would it be?

Answer 7- Everything gym class related... I. Suck. Ass. At. Exersize.

Question 8- How would you feel if cannon destroys your crush/OTP?

Answer 8- O.o *dies*

Question 9- What's your favorite app to use in an emergency

Answer 9- The phone app so I can dial 911! I can't call the police using Twitter or anything like that!!!!

Question 10- Vocal synthesizers or singers?

Answer 10- Singers!!!

Question 11- How would you take over the world?

Answer 11- I will show them my rainbow unicorn dog and they will all bow down to me and make me the ruler of the universe! Obviously... Is that even a question?!?! How else would anyone take over the world?!

Question 12- What would you do if Donald Trump became president?

Answer 12- *Packs bags and buys a passport to the UK* "Hey Mini, is it okay if I move in with you? Donald Trump became president..."

Question 13- How late are you staying up to write this?

Answer 13- Welp, it's 5:30 in the afternoon right now, so not that late.

Just copy the questions above and answer them if you're tagged.

I tag...















Bam! Good luck!

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