Random Ass Question Tag (Part 3)

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I was tagged to do this again by LazerKitten lmao! If you end up being tagged you don't have to do it right away because I know this is the fourth time I've tagged all of you to do one of these and it's a lot to do at once, so please take your time!

Q #1) PLEASE TELL ME YOU SHIP JOSHLER! If not, that's ok...

A #1) You'd have to explain to me what Joshler is first. Then I'll decide.

Q #2) Favorite bottom?

A #2) MiniLadd!!!! <<<333

Q #3) If you could spend the day with one person, who would that person be and what would you do?

A #3) I'd love to spend a day with MuniLedd! Since I'm not a coffee person and he got Brian hooked on Starbucks, I'd have Mini take me to Starbucks so I can see why they love it so much.

Q #4) Favorite t-shirt?

A #4) MiniLadd's limited edition shirt that went off of the market in December of 2015!!! I'm wearing it right now!

Q #5) Any embarrassing/interesting stories you wanna share?

A #5) Alright, I have the most embarrassing story ever! So, my grandmother and I were driving home from the movies and we needed gas, so we stopped at a gas station. Well, the car on the other side of the pump looked EXACTLY like my mom's car and the person inside it looked EXACTLY like my step dad. My grandmother decided she wanted to scare him, so she gets out of the car and starts banging on his window with her tongue sticking out. Now that he's aware we're here, I get out of the car and rub my nose down his window xD and while I was doing that I looked inside the car and I realized it was a random stranger and I wasn't my step dad! I legit ran inside our car, locked the door, and lowered the seat so no one could see me. There ya go.

Q #6) NOTP?

A #6) Although I accept it, DelitOoNz is my NOTP. They have more of a brotherly relationship.

Q #7) Favorite female singer/band with a female frontman?

A #8) Hasley

Q #8) Weirdest food you've ever tried?

A #8) Well, I'm a picky eater so I don't really try much of anything, but I have eaten chicken with caramel before and it was actually amazing!

Q #9) Favorite animal?

A #9) Fox

Q #10) Can you name a color that doesn't exist?

A #10) Uhh, Tangerine! xD I know it's a fruit, but it feels like it should be a color lol

I tag:


Just answer the questions I did and come up with your own for others to answer. <3

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