Questions for meeeeeeee! .... And you ;*

15 2 7

OhmsOfficialBae tagged meeeeee, so it's her/his fault! xD Kill her not me I'm an innocent angel.... MUAHAHAHAHAHA *coughs violently* sorry about that lmao xD

Número uno! I'm taking Spanish classes so you'll be seeing this a lot XXXDDDD

Fav TV Show?
The Flash :DDDD

Número dos!

Fav Food?
Uhhhh, I like cheese. Cheese is pretty guda. AHHHHHHH TAKE MY PUNS!!!! MAY THE BROCKWARD BE WITH YOU MY CHILDREN!!!! *coughs again* Moving on~

Número tres!

Fav Number?
....... 21! Nah jk it's 4 xD

Número quatro (idk how to spell 4 in Spanish ;~;)

If you could meet any YouTuber and talk to them daily either irl or in a conversation, who would it be?
... Must you ask?.... MY MINI BOO IM COMIN' FOR YOUUUUUUUUU <3

Número 5 (idk how to spell in it Spanish either 0.O)

How did you discover Wattpad?
In 2013, I was really interested in the new anime (that they never finished) Crynime. I was looking for a fanfic to read about it and there just so happened to be one on Wattpad. I began reading more books on here and finally it led to my account <3

Número seis!

Where is your dream place to go and visit?
I have a tie between Los Angeles and Pennsylvania. Los Angeles because GTA V and Pennsylvania for personally reasons ;*

(Welp, there's that <3 For those of you that could care less about this and want me to update I'll be updating sometime in September so be hyped for that <333)

(PS I was snooping at pictures in my moms phone when I saw that she snuck a picture of me at Pax East. We were eating at a place called Whiskey Priest and it was literally sitting on the Boston Harbor which was really neat. I was looking at the water through the window and she took it. I saved it to my phone because it's one of the only good pictures of me xD)

 I saved it to my phone because it's one of the only good pictures of me xD)

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(Brownie Points to whoever can guess what shirt I'm wearing <3)

I tag
















I have many more friends but 15 is plenty ;*

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