Vanoss' Dragon City Announcement

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So, Vanoss said that the people that made the mobile app game 'Dragon City' put both his and Delirious' character in the game. Seeing as though I've played the game before and know how it works, I decided to buy Del's And Evy's characters and level them up to do this.

 Seeing as though I've played the game before and know how it works, I decided to buy Del's And Evy's characters and level them up to do this

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For those of you that don't know what's going on here, Vanoss and Delirious are in the breeding station together. Doing exactly what you'd expect; breeding xD

 Doing exactly what you'd expect; breeding xD

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Here is the H2OVanoss dragon love child!

No regrets!!!! #SorryNotSorry

P.S. Don't pay the names at the top any mind. The game doesn't let you pick the names of your dragons and that's what popped up as their names lmao!

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