Pheonix above^


My name is Pheonix Curtis. I'm 16 and I have three brothers. Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry. I'm just going to put it out there, I'm the toughest girl in the Gang. I live with three brothers so I kinda have to keep things under control. When I say tough, I am, but I also have feelings so I'm not like Dally tough. I'm dangerous as heck when somebody hurts somebody I love so you mess with the Gang and I'm around, your dead. I'm nice in public, except when I'm harassed or jump. I'm nice to the gang when I'm in a good mood but I usually yell at them to shut their traps before I punch 'em. I'm just confusing like that so that's why everybody says I'm a mystery. So call me what you will, I don't care. Not like I'm going to cry over it, I hardly ever cry.

Anyways, my best friends are Dyl, Sal, and Ginger. Ginger has rusty, ginger color hair like Two-Bit and the same color eyes. She's funny like him too and tough. Sal has black hair like her brother Johnny but she has brown-blue eyes. She's really jumpy lik Johnny and she sleeps on our couch most nights. Dyl has white blonde hair like Dally and cold eyes like him but she is sweeter than Dally. There all 16 except Sal. She's 15 but she'll be 16 soon.


"Hey Pony." I said as he walked through the door. It was 12 at night and Darry would have flipped if he was at home instead of work. He looked at me a little frightened. I walked up to him. He's only a little shorter to me so he had to look up some. "Hey, Nix." He sighed. "Where ya been? You know it 12, right?" I asked. "Yea, I know. I was hangin out with Johnny. We were trying to get Sal but she was basically trapped in her house." Pony answered. I swore under my breath. When Sal can't get out of the house, she's bein beat. "I'll get her in the morning. I won't tell Darry you were late, just go to bed." I sighed. He nodded. I watched him walk to his and Soda's room before I locked the back door and walked upstairs to my room.

I sat down on my bed. I stared at the blank white-ish wall. I walked over to my dresser and picked up the picture frame of me and dad when I was like 7. We were really close. I was his only little girl. I wished Sally had what I had. I looked at the picture of me and mom. I was 4 and we were having a tickle war. She's won. I smiled at the memories. I miss my mom and daddy, I always will. I put down the frame and looked at my walls of photos. I used to dig photography. It was something mom and I loved to do. I stopped when they died. I changed into my hand me down sweatpants and put on a black tank top. I threw my hair into a messy bun and walked back over to my bed. I pulled back my gray comforter and laid down. I fell asleep in an instant.

I was woken up at 4:15 a.m. Sal came tumbling through my bedroom window crying, almost screaming. I darted out of my bed. She climbs the tree outside it so she can get straight to me, even though I tell her all the time to come through the front door. She was bruised and had cuts on her face.

"Sal! What happened?" I yelled. She tried to talk but she was shaking and crying to much. I hugged her and she cried into my shoulder. "Hun, calm down. Where's Johnny?" I said in a soothing voice as Dally, Soda, and Pony burst through my bedroom door. "Sal? What's wrong?" Darry tried. She calmed down a bit. "Johnny...doesn't...know I'm here. He's in the...lot. My parents...were...fighting and...I was being dumb and middle." She said in between sobs. "Your okay now. Pony, Soda, go get Johnny in the lot. I'm gonna call the gang." Darry demanded. "Got it." Soda and Pony said at the same time. They ran down the stairs before I could blink.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." I told her. She nodded and wiped away tears. We walked to my bathroom and I sat her on the edge of the tub. I pushed her black hair out of her face and grabbed the first aid kit and a rag out of the medicine cabinet.

I cleaned her up and Johnny burst through the bathroom door. "Sis, you okay?" Johnny asked as he hugged her. She nodded in his shoulder.

The gang crowded in the living room. Dally is one of my best friends. I pushed him off the swing and pre-k when he wouldn't shut up about my pink dress. He learned his lesson quick. "What needs to be done here?" Ginger asked. She was standing beside Two-Bit and they were both wearing Micky pajama pants. "Get y'all new pants." Dally muttered. I slapped him upside the back of his head. "Shut ya trap, Dally. That's not what's important right now." I yelled at him. "Ow. Geez, okay. I was just joking." Dally said rubbing the back of his head. Dyl punched his arm really hard. "Dang, what was that for?" Dally said rubbing his arm. "You asked for it jerk." Dyl said pulling her blonde hair up in a ponytail. "Johnny and Sal just need to stay here." Pony said. "I agree." Soda second. "Okay but there on the couch." Darry said. "You think we care?" Johnny said. "Okay well it's 7 already so y'all go home and get dressed." Darry said. "Come back for breakfast if ya want." Darry said. "Man, I'm the one that has to cook today." I groaned. "Then I'm coming back." Steve cheered. "Me too." Dally said knocking my bun off my head. "Dude!" I yelled. He just laughed evilly.


A/N: Hope y'all liked it. Wanted to start off with drama so...
Thanks for reading. I'll update soon.

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