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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LUKE POV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I woke up yawning and was about to stretch when I felt a bundle of warmth shifting in my arms. I frowned and my eyes shot open my mind hazy and confused, did I have a one night stand? Then the events from the night before came rushing in and all I could do was grin. I looked down and spotted Aria drooling on my arm and couldn’t help but chuckle.

She looked so cute but my chuckle caused her to frown and I held my breath in. I knew Aria was a light sleeper so I could wake her up with out realizing it. I knew she needed the rest we had stayed up late the night before cleaning up the apartment. I was a little annoyed that Aria tried to cover up the event as a prank but I knew that she meant well. I kissed her forehead and breathed in her scent from her hair. She let out a soft content sigh and snuggled up against my body.

I felt reluctant to get up but the clock told me it was already noon and we had a lot of things to do. I looked at the clock and cursed again, Aria had her bio final today. I looked down at her and sighted, I didn’t want to be the bad guy, the one to ruin this perfect moment but I had to.

“Aria” I whispered against her ear before kissing it gently. “Come on sweet heart wake up…”

“Hmm?” she made a sound as her eyes flutter open. She stared at me with unfocused eyes before yawning and curling up against me again. “Sleep.”

I chuckle and shook her gently, “You have your final in like… 40 minutes come on… wake up lazy.”

“What?” she asked a little alarmed as her eyes shot open. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.”

“Hey language” I scold her as she gets up quickly.

I move over to her side as she wobbles, it must have made her dizzy. She mumbles a thanks before she begins to look for her materials. I chuckle and let my self out of the room. I wanted to spend the day with her, I had one last final critique but that was not till tomorrow. I knew Aria had a last critique tomorrow too, so we could try to enjoy our self’s. I was done with my project and I wasn’t sure about Aria but I would ask her.

I decided that for ones I would cook for her, so I went all out. I made pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hash browns. It took quite a while but I knew I had to finish before we had to run out. I spotted Aria’s hungry eyes as she approach the kitchen.

“You made hash browns?” she asks looking over the plates in my hand.

“Of course… but only for you” I say with a wink and a chuckle as I set the plates down. We sat down and began to dig in instantly; one day full of fatty foods wouldn’t kill us, any time soon.

“I have to leave soon” Aria said in between bites, she was trying to enjoy it but rushing at the same time. I felt bad and gave her a slight nod before pushing over a cup of orange juice. “Thanks.”

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