Goodbye Canada

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Its my last day here in Canada. Currently were here in Hansol's condo unit. Liz is in a photo shoot so she can't bring me to the airport. So Hansol is going to bring me and Eunsang to the airport.

Time check: 2:30 am

I know it's lititle bit early but I guess its better to be early than to be late. "Hansol! Can you help with with these luggage!" Eunsang shouted. She was having a hard time getting her luggage in the car while Hansol is just in the car chilling "okay okay, wait." Hansol hurriedly went to help Eunsang. Come to think of it. They look good together.

"I'm choosing the back seat, since I haven't got any sleep because of snores from some people here." I said sliding in the back seat. I hear them talking to each other. 'When are you gonna tell her?' I was actually curious but I let it slide. I slept.

I woke up around 3:45 and I saw Hansol driving. "Hey Hansol what was it your going to tell me?" I saw him cringe. "Uhm I-I-It was about uhm" he stuttered. "Tell me" I said with force in my voice. "I love Eunsang" he said in one blow.

I let it sink in my head. Eunsang and Hansol dating?  I looked at Eunsang she was sleeping "OMG!! I squealed! "Why didn't you tell me?!" Hansol laughed. "Eunsang didn't want to because you were best friends, and I was your former suitor." He said casually.

It was okay with me anyway.I put on my earphones and played. KPOP music. A few hours later it was about 4:30 when we arrived at the airport. It was little bit too early. Eunsang and I went to Starbucks to get coffee  before the flight. Hansol went to check of we needle to check in early.

"Eunsang, what will you do if we're there already?" I asked her. I suddenly remembered  what Hansol told me about there relationship. "Uhm, I actually don't know. Maybe I'll go to see our dorm for the meantime" Since we knew that our flight was the same. We looked for a dorm that we can share.

"You?" She asked sipping her coffee. "I'm going to see my uncle at Pledis Entertainment, then I'm going to check the apartment. Want to go with me?" She shook her head. "Nah, I'd rather be at the apartment to clean things up and unpack." She said. When Hansol arrived.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. "A hot guy we just saw." Eunsang said teasing Hansol. I laughed I knew that this two looked good together. I stood up and went to the counter again to get a chocolate donut.

I saw a guy in a varsity jacket. He bought peppermint frapucino. (A/N I don't go to Starbucks. I don't like coffee that much) He looks so attractive that I actually stared at him. "Ma'am what's your order. Sorry ma'am your holding up the line" I looked up to see the attractive guy. He chuckled.

"Uhm  just one chocolate donut please" she immidiately went to get my order and I went back to our table

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"Uhm  just one chocolate donut please" she immidiately went to get my order and I went back to our table. While I was going to back I saw Mr. Attractive sitting at the table just next to ours. Tell me about good luck.

"Hey Krizi what took you so long?" Eunsang asked me while bitting my donut. "Oh nothing important" we went out to the startbuck exactly at 5:15 I looked at Mr. Attractive for the last time. He wasn't there already. We said our goodbye to Hansol but it's not that touching since Hansol is going to Korea next week. So it's just goodbye for now.

We boarded the plane. I took a mirror seat. I wanted to look out and see the clouds. 6:15 the airplane took off. I saw the plane leaving Canada. I saw Eunsang asleep already. I looked at te window again.

"Goodbye Canada. See you when I achieve my dream" Those were my last words beofre I drift to dream land.


Guys I just want to clarify. I forgot to tell you the first picture that I gave you and said that it was Krizi. It wasn't. I chose Kim Saeron to be Krizi.. I really like. Her. So yea. Please don't be confused.

Kim Saw Ron in the multi media

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