Last Week.

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       Honestly I'm not very fond authors note but I just want to tell you guys I'm sorry. I was a little bit busy with everything. My life, love life and career. Thank you guys.


This is going to be my last week here at Canada. I went to school for people that you know popular. I was looking for someone when I immediately saw her.

"Eunsang!!!" I shouted just for her to hear it. I ran as fast as I can! "Eunsang wait for me!" I ran until I catches up with her. Eunsang has been my best friend since I was in Grade 4.

"Yah?" She asked as she looked down on me. Did I mention that she was taller that me? "I just wanted to ask you if when is your flight?"

"This Saturday 6am" I plastered a big smile on my face. She looked at me weirdly. "Haha I'm just happy because I think we have the same flight, because my flight is also this saturday at 6am" we just laughed together.

We walked to our lockers which was in the west wing of the school. It was a long walk so we just talked about what we wanted to do when we're in Korea already.

While walking we saw Hansol. Hansol was my former suitor but I have very high standards by I mean high as in high! So we just remained friends. Good friends that is.

"Wassup man?" He talked to me casually. "Nothing just going to our lockers" I said trying to grip on my shoulder bag which was too heavy for my liking today. "Let me help you" honestly I'm still a little hesitant because he was my former suitor anyway but I gave it anyway.

"Wow this is heavy what's in  here" he sling over my back to carry it in his shoulders. He looks like a gay hunk. "Just the usual stuff" we arrived at the west wing I immidiately saw my locker #815 I put my combination in and saw my locker was little bit. Stuffed.

It was plenty of letters I don't know why maybe from my fans here at school. I just shrugged it off.

"Bye Kriz I need to go my first class is in 15 minutes" Eunsang waved off leaving me with Hansol. He learned at the locker beside mine. "So you and Eusang going to leave me here?" He asked looking down on the floor. "No silly, you followig us there remeber?" He looked up and chuckled. "Haha I forgot"

"Bye Hansol I need to go now bye!" I walked to my first class was College Algebra. For the first time in my life i really likes Math. Maybe that's because i really like Ms. Adraneda. She teach us every well.

It was already lunch time before i knew it. Me, Eunsang and Hansol are in different class. So we don't have any class together not even one. When lunch time we just have one place to eat. It is in the backside of the school. No one actually eats there. So it is really peace full.

I was the first to come. I waited for them a little bit. Eunsang and Hansol arrived together. Maybe they saw each other on the way here.

We were quietly eating when I Hansol chose to speak up. "So since it's you last week before you go to Korean how about we go swimming this Thursday til Friday?" He asked. That was actually a good idea. I haven't swim in ages. "Yah sure. Your condo?" I asked. He has a condo unit that has the swimming pool at the 13 floor so it has a great view of the city at night. "Yea sure"

We planned everything before we knew it. It was time for class again.

The week passed in a blur. Before we knew it. It was already Thursday. We skipped classes for today. "Hansol hurry up!!" Me and Eunsang were already in swim suit waiting for Hansol to be finish. "Yea yea wait!" I hope we're still be this close when we're in Korea already.

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