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You aimed your gun at the creature as it had blades come out of his wrist. You trembled at the sight putting your finger on the trigger. Something in you told you not to shoot. You wanted to shoot, but you mostly didn't want to shoot. The creature was just standing there, staring at you. The wind blew, making your (h/l) (h/c) hair sway with the wind. The sun made your (e/c) (eye color) stand out with the light of the sun reflecting making your appearance more fierce.

The masculine creature withdrawn it's blades. As he done that you lowered your weapon. You were so confused, but yet felt safe for some odd reason.


Your eyes were glued at the creature as he seemed to be doing the same to you. The sunlight was a array of yellow and orange. You heard someone call your name. Looking back you heard saw one of the recruit members walk over towards you. You looked in front of you once more to see that the masculine creature was gone. It just... Vanished in thin air.

You blinked in confusion for a minute. The guy who was calling your name walked over to you.

"Miss (L/n), is everything alright out here?" He asked in a low voice as he looked around cautiously. You looked at him and shook your head.

"I haven't seen anything... I guess it was just my imagination..." You say scratching the back of your head.

The man's name was Jason VanderSmeer. He was an okay guy, but you never really spoke with him before. He had brown eyes, and short black hair. He only nodded to your response and walked back, leaving you by your lonesome. You waited until he was gone and out of sight. The creature you had witnessed sparked interest in you. You wanted to know who it was. Er.... what it was...

You wandered off into the forest, looking around in all directions with your gun held close to you. All the exotic plants and flowers you spotted looked pretty, some looked strange. But either way it was an interesting and beautiful sight to see.

You came across a stream, the water was crystal clear and felt nice and cold to the touch. You felt the water with your fingers as it ran along them. You looked around again, but there was no sign of the 7 ft creature. The sun seemed to be fading along the trees, making the sky a light a purple and pinky color. After a few moments of searching you began to walk back thinking it was all your imagination. There was never an unknown organism, and it was all in your head and maybe this planet is starting to get to you.

You were deep in your thoughts. It seemed so real, but seems so fake at the same time. It didn't make any sense. It just vanished like a quick blink to an eye. You even wondered if you should even warn anyone about it. You snapped out of wandering in your mind as you heard a loud explosion come from the base. Without thinking, you ran towards the explosion, seeing smoke and flames shoot up in the sky. You reached the end of the path. The flame's light reflected off your piercing (E/c) eyes. Something pounced up from the flames. It looked like a serpent of some type...

It had a bony chest, and a banana shaped head with the deepest shade of gray. It didn't seem like the creature had any eyes and surely didn't seem friendly by the pure white teeth that could cut deeper than any knife could. More of them started to be visible in the remaining sunlight that peeked from the trees. You held your gun up, aiming at the monster. Only 4 was in sight. No problem at all.

You shot them all with a green substance splashing out of them. Was that... Blood? A harsh sizzling sound hissed in the atmosphere as you glanced at the green substance melting into the ground.

They screeched in agony as you shot all 4 of the serpents without them noticing you. As you thought you were done, you heard more howls and screeches as more of them came from either behind the building or pounced out of the shrubs. You backed away, knowing you wouldn't stand a chance against all of them.

You eyed them all, only counting 18 this time. The serpents started to crawl towards you, with clear drool dripping from their mouth as they hissed and yowled. You turned and ran. You could hear them howl as a few ran after you. Adrenaline rushed through your veins as you dodged trees, and jumped over logs.

The hissing and growling became louder and louder every step you took. They were gaining up on you and you knew it. Your heart raced. It felt as if it was beating faster than your running speed. You were all of a sudden pushed from the right side of you. You felt as if someone wrapped strong arms around you. You looked up at what looked like the same creature you saw earlier. He was carrying you bridal style with his strong arms, holding you tightly as he was running.

He skidded to a stop as he was caught in a dead end. The creature quickly turned around, giving you a glimpse of those serpents that were chasing you. 3 of them. They hissed and swayed their spiky looking tails back and forth. You heard machine noises come from near you. As you almost tried to look in the direction the noise came from, a ball of blue light shot out from a cannon-like weapon that was by the creature's upper left shoulder. The blue light hit one of the monsters, making its chest explode, with the same green substance you saw earlier, leaking out from the bits and pieces that remained from the creature.

The other two serpents hissed and backed away slowly. The creature carrying you growled with warning and the two monsters took a few steps back and ran off.

The masculine alien set you down gently. By seeing how masculine it was, the greenish skin, and fishnet wrapped around its body, you recognized quickly who it was... You stood In front of him, getting a better look. He saved your life. You knew now that this wasn't your mind playing some sort of trick, this anomaly was real. Tiny growling noises were coming from him as you peered around the area, hearing more screeches in the distance.

You looked back at the creature. "Th-thanks for saving me..."

The creature's growl became slightly louder. He then looked down at your feet. You blinked at him with confusion at first, and then looked down to see a huge gash on your leg, crimson blood running down your boot.

The creature knelt down, examining the wound. He slightly touched it, but intense pain was felt as soon as he made contact with the bloody gash. You fell back, landing on your bottom. The wound now stung, sending unpleasant feelings to your nerves. Your eyes trailed to the creature as he held out his hand, offering to help you up. You grasped his hand lightly, him pulling you up, but you stumbled and fell into his strong, bulky chest.

You quickly backed up away from him, looking down embarrassed. The alien let out a sigh, and picked you up bridal style once again. You tensed. "Wh-what are you doing?!" You asked a bit shocked.

He didn't give you any sort of response as he ran again. The wind was blowing in your (H/l) (H/c) hair. There wasn't very much sunlight now, only a dark sky. This anonymous creature seemed interesting to you, but then again, you were very cautious since he seemed like he was going to hurt you when you first encountered it. But you decided to let him carry you without hesitation. It would be better not to aggravate him. Your leg already hurt and walking might make it get worse, getting you no where. You might even be lunch for those serpents if he wasn't around.


Xeno: (Sorry I haven't been updating in awhile. I might update this every 2 weeks or so. Thanks so much for 20+ reads already ^-^

Idk what name to give the Yautja XD any name suggestions? If you don't like the name picked, just pretend its named something else.

Thanks again! I will cya guys in the next update! if you want to help me on what should happen next, leave a comment and I might just add it in my story and give credit c:


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