He isn't the only one

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I looked around once more. "Is this where you live?" I asked. The creature looked at me and made another growling noise. Did it understand me? My brown bag was sitting beside me as I picked it up, unzipping it. I looked over at the creature a couple times as it looked like it was watching me suspiciously. Everything was in its place. I looked back at the creature and smiled. "Well, I must be going now. I have to try and find survivors and see if I can get help. Thanks for everything you have done." As I began to get up, the creature grabbed my arm tight but firm. I rose my eyebrow as I store at his arm. "W-what are you doing..?" I looked up at the tall being as he shook his head. I started to get impatient with him. "I realize you're concerned, but I can't just leave them to die... I have to find my recruit members. Please let me go!" I tried to pull his arm away, but he was too strong. I sighed. "Why won't you let me go?" I asked, but he only growled lowly to my response. "I wish I could understand you..." I said sighing. "Fine, I won't go in this condition," I said looking at my leg. "But when it heals enough, I need to get help."

It looked away from me as if he didn't like that idea, but had no choice. I got out of his grasp and walked back over to the moss bed and plopped my bag down. "Great... Now I am stuck here..." I thought to myself. "I hope my leg heals soon... I also hope everyone back at the base is alright... I wonder where those serpents even came from. They couldn't have been hiding in the base, no." I looked back over at the creature as he was still looking over at my direction. "I wonder if there is more of them...I wonder if the captain even knew about these creatures."


It has been a few hours since the explosion from where the base "used" to be. Everything went wrong and unexpectedly. What exactly happened back at the base to cause such a huge explosion? Was it those serpents? Or was it something else? You had no idea. Sitting down and leaning against a stone, you thought for a long time. The creature was watching your every move which made you feel slightly uncomfortable. It wouldn't let you leave no matter what and the recruits could really need the help right now, but even if you tried, you wouldn't be able to leave without this alien always on your ass.

Your POV


I'm so frustrated and nervous at the same time. Scratch that, all I'm feeling is a bunch of mixed emotions. He won't let me leave! I have to help them. I could hear muffles and growls come from the creature. He was staring at me weirdly. I'm unsure if he is suspicious of me, but it wouldn't make any sense if he was. If he was THAT suspicious, he wouldn't have brought me here in the first place? My stomach was starting to hurt and make audible growls. I looked down at my rumbling stomach. Great, I'm hungry...

The creature took notice of this as he walked over to me. His yellow eyes were looking around as he knelt down to me. I didn't like what was going on and he certainly knew it. He grabbed my arm firmly and took me to an opening that was in the stone floor. I quickly got the idea what he was doing and tried to pull his hand off my arm. "I'm NOT going down there!"

The alien growled loudly as if it was starting to get frustrated with my stubbornness. He picked me up and jumped down landing on a large cliff. I looked down to see as the inside was like a cave. Water droplets echoed from below us. The creature gently set me down and lowly growled making a hand motion to stay put. I furiously got up glaring at this son of a bitch. "HELL NO! I'M NOT STAYING HERE!"

He roared loudly making the cave echo. I stumbled backwards from fear, my heart pounding almost out of my chest. Before I could speak anything else, he jumped and crawled out from the opening. I noticed the cave grew darker as something was pushed in the opening where the light once was. I immediately knew what was going on and started to panic. "HEY! LET ME OUT!" There was no response of any kind. "Fuck..." I quietly spat. I needed to find a way out of here. I looked down from the edge of the cliff, but the rest of the cliffs below were too far to jump down. It would only be suicide if I try to attempt jumping from this cliff to one below. I looked back up to where the entrance was. I could see Cliffs that lead up to it. They were also a long distance, but close enough to where I could possibly jump from cliff to cliff and eventually get out of here.

Predator/Yautja x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now