Base Allies

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A/n Heeeyyyy sorrys for not publishing in awhile. I took a break since I needed one from what I'm going through right now. But I'm back up writing again (Yay!)

"Whos there?!" A male showed up from behind the thick trees and shubs with a gun loaded and ready. I dropped my knife and put my hands in the air knowing it was the people at the base I saw earlier. "Don't shoot!" I hollered. "I'm not a threat. I need your help..." I pleaded. They took a long look at me before lowering their armed weapons. They seem to realize who I was, at least. I turned around to see Bhu'ja not was gone. He just disappeared in thin air buy where did he go?

"Come with us." The brown haired male ordered. Not wanting to waste his time, I scurried along next to him, looking back every now and then. I wonder where he went and why he just... Left. He wouldn't leave me forever. I know he wouldn't. I followed the man as he took me inside the base.

Bhu'ja POV

What happened to me? Why did I have that weird feeling again? It just hit me out of no where. How she looked in the days light made her beauty stand out strong. I couldn't stop myself. I don't know what would've happend if that male Ooman didn't show up... I used my invisiblity that was installed on the device to hide myself from having any contact with them. I watched them as (Y/n) went inside that building. She kept turning around, maybe looking for me. As much as I didn't want to, I had to. That Ooman would've caused trouble for me and (Y/n) if I didn't hide myself. I couldn't go with her, as much as I wanted to, I just couldn't. No matter what, I always hated getting close to that place. But I did it for her. The longer I store at the metallic building, the more anger rose in my chest. I can't describe my hatred for that place. Never again will I want to go in there, not after what happened. They were the reason I am more of a rouge and living on my own. But I couldn't fully blame them, when it was also my own kind that betrayed me. But that doesn't matter to me anymore, I will only stick around for (Y/n). Hopefully she gets what she came here for and that she leaves as soon as she can. As much as I hate it here, I will wait. I will wait for her... (Y/n)...

(Y/n) POV
The dark haired man stepped through with the doors opening automatically. There were a few soldiers walking around and what seemed to be a few researchers carrying handfuls of papers or documents. A few people gave me a stern look or some seemed rather confused upon my existence. I could tell some of them know I don't belong here.

"Come with me." The male ordered snapping me out of my thoughts, "Let's see what the chief has to say about you poking around here."

My brows furrowed in annoyance. "I wasn't just poking around, I need some help! Something with these... these... serpents or alien organis-" Before I could finish, the guy cupped his hand over my mouth making my whole body feel as stiff as a wooden plank.

"Quiet! There's a reason why I'm bringing you to the chief! Don't say anything for it is no one else's business. Now shut up until we get to where you need to be." He hissed coldly while his eyes dig deeper into my soul.

I quickly nodded while he took his hand away from my mouth. He carried on walking down the hall with me following behind him such as a leashed dog. He came up to a door and pressed a button followed with a buzz.

"Chief Malcom, Sir?"

I looked around my surroundings until my eye caught a camera above the door.

"What do you want??" A strong and intimidating male voice boomed through the speaker.

Again, the guy pressed the button with a click. "I found a girl poking around the base. She states she needs to discuss something with you, sir."

I rolled my eyes as he said I was poking around their base. A loud click was heard as the male opened the door. My eyes focused on a tall older man, maybe about in his late 40s. He had light brown hair with greenish eyes. He sat behind a dark wooden desk with papers spread across the surface.

The guy next to me shoved something into my back making me almost stumble from the force. I glared back at the dude as he shut the door only leaving me and this Malcom guy.

"Take a seat." Malcom offered as he pointed to a red cushioned chair in the corner of the room. I slowly went over to grab it and dragged the seat to the desk. Malcom was keeping a close eye on me like a hawk scanning its prey while I finally sat down into the soft cushion.

"As of what I heard, you were sneaking around here? Let me have you know we don't take too kindly to that."

I shook my head quickly. "N-no of course not! I need help... my base I was with is demolished. Destroyed!" My voice quivered as I explained.

This caught the once uninterested man to become interested. "How was it destroyed?"

"These alien organisms or creatures, whatever they are! They were the main reason why the base blew up and I don't know if there was any survivors or not, but I haven't seen anyone since that."

Malcom looked down at his desk. "That is a problem..." his green eyes looked back up at my (e/c) ones. "We didn't get any radio signal about that, but those bastards are slick and smart. Your base was the only one that kept those creatures to study on, thankfully."

I leaned closer in my chair "You know about those things? What even are they??" I asked while dying for an answer.

Malcom shook his head which made me frown. "That I cannot discuss with you. It's classified. It is none of your concern. The only thing I can say is they are incredibly dangerous and multiply like crazy. And those creatures aren't the only threat we have here." He sighed and grabbed the papers in his huge hands tapping them on his desk to make them a nice and neat stack. "I will allow you a place to stay for awhile, but you will follow my orders, my rules. Understood? Consider yourself lucky that the base you worked and my own are allies." He slightly chuckled as I created a nervous grin on my lips.

I nodded my head followed with a "Yessir." And with that, he got up from his chair, hand motioning me to follow him. I obeyed and sat up from the chair, catching up to him with the sound of his shoes tapping against the cold floors and bouncing the sound through the halls.

He went down the long metallic hall and turned left to have a cafeteria looking area. Some men were sitting down and eating food. "This is where you will be eating your meals. For now, it is lunch, but don't worry, I will request a tray for you once we are done."

As he continued to walk again, Malcom showed me the rooms where I would sleep at, locker rooms, all that necessary stuff. Last but not least, he showed me where their testing labs were. He assigned me to walk around inside the lab area to catch anything suspicious that the others aren't aware of since sometimes some critters get lose. My heart raced as the flashback from what I found in my base's lab appeared within my mind. I shook my head to get those thoughts to disappear. As Malcom entered the lab area, I followed behind him like a dog would follow its owner wherever they went. My eyes caught almost every glimpse and sight the lab had to offer from weapon designs, gases, and even something that almost made my heart stop. It was one of them...

A Yautja.

I felt myself stop looking through the glass as it store right at me with menacing amber eyes filled with hatred. I felt sorry for them... why would they need to keep them captive like this?

Malcom stopped, his head turning to face me. His straight expression turned to a small grin. He quietly stepped back at my side gazing at the muscular yautja with me.

"This is the other danger we have." He explained, "But they are interesting specimen! And their technology can be of good use to us."

Is this what they are after? The technology?

I noticed the Yautja left his gaze on me, but was more focused on Malcom. I can tell within those amber eyes of his, He was full of hatred and bloodthirst by the way he was looking at The chief. I wouldn't blame the Yautja. If I were stuck in here like a caged animal, I would be the same exact way...

(Sorry for the wait! I will be updating more tomorrow on the next chapter! Happy Late thanksgiving XD ))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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