Part 4

714 29 3

*everyone logged on*

Jiminnie: Sorry guys for shouting at you yesterday.

JinJin: It's fine you weren't yourself so don't worry

Rapmon: Yeah Jin Hyung is right don't worry about it :)

V's_wife: Hyung you okay now?

Jiminnie: Yeah

Kookie's_hubbie: That's good cause we really missed the cheerful, bubbly Jimin.

Jiminnie: Jeez thanks. But i was sarcastic.

Rapmon: Be strong Jimin you can get through it. So have you found out how long your father has left or if he's getting treatment for it?

Jiminnie: Yeah, my father has 7 months to live. He has tried treatment but it doesn't help so he is going to let do what it does until he dies.

Swag4life: If you need anything we are here for you, you know that right?

Jiminnie: Yeah thanks Hyungs and dongsaengs. I gotta go my mums calling. Bye

*Jiminnie logged out*

JinJin: I wonder if he will be alright

Everyone else: We know. All of us are worried to.

*Jiminnie logged on*

Jiminnie: Guys do you want to come with me back to Busan?

Swag4life: Why are you asking?

Jiminnie: Well I was talking to my mum and she said that my dad really wants to meet all of you.

Everyone: Yeah that would be awesome

V's_wife: Can I see my family as well if we go to Busan to meet Jimin Hyungs parents?

Rapmon: Yeah you can Jungkook.

V's_wife: Yay I get to see my family.

Kookie's_hubbie: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

* Kookie's_hubbie and jiminnie logged off*

V's_wife: V is so mean I hate him

Jhopie: No you don't.

*V's_wife changed his username to Golden_kookie*

Golden_kookie: Yes I do and you can't change my mind.

*Golden_kookie logged off*

*Swag4life logged off*

*jhopie logged off*


*Rapmon logged off*

*JinJin logged off*

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