Chapter 6 ~Going Crazy~

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It's already been 3 weeks since the time Minho told me about the fact that there is no way out. Ever since that day, I never took running seriously anymore. I know there isn't anymore way out so I just run for the peace of my mind.

"You just run around the maze! You're not doing your job anymore, (Y/N)."

"I am doing my job, Alby! I'm running, and that's what a runner does."

"A runner's job is to map the maze to find a way out—"

"A way out? You know very well that there is no way out! We're wasting our time trying to find a way out when you know for yourself that there is NO way out!" I shout at his face.

We are currently in the council room, arguing because he said I wasn't doing my job.

"We have to show them that there is hope--"

"When really there isn't?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Most of them will lose it if we tell them that we will never be able to get out of here."

"So what? Just lie to them?" I glare at him. He just stares back at me. "I'm done with this." I mumble before storming out of that room. Everyone that I pass by looks at me and backs off a little. I head straight to the map room ignoring everyone who were brave enough to ask what's going on.

I enter the room and come face to face with Ace. His face shows no emotion as he stared at me. I look over his shoulder. Our model of the maze no longer has a cover on it.

"Ace, what are you doing here? And don't tell me you just stumbled upon this place." I put a hand on my hip. He clenches his fists before pushing me to the ground. I fall on the ground, a sharp rock cuts my hand. I hiss before angrily throwing the rock away.

"Mind telling me why you pushed me, you shuckface!" I shout at him after I stood up. He runs away from me, much to my relief. I really need to be alone right now. I enter the map room and cover the table again.

Just as I was about to sit down, everyone from outside starts to shout. I groan in annoyance before running out of the room to see what the commotion is about.

Everyone is by the doors to the maze, crowding around it. I squeeze my way through all of them, looking for Newt.

"What's going on?" I ask him when I finally found him.

"It's Ace. He ran into the maze." he answers, very much worried. My eyes widen and look at the door starting to close.

"Throw a weapon in there!" I shout to everyone.

"Why?" Minho asks.

"To fight off those..those grievers!"

"It's no use, (Y/N). No one survives—" Alby starts but I cut him off.

"Well, if we gave him a weapon then maybe he can!" I shout at him, getting angrier as the doors almost close.

"Do you think that all the people who died because of those grievers weren't carrying a weapon?" Gally tells me, looking relaxed despite what's happening.

"Why are you so damn calm, huh?!" I yell and point at Gally. He doesn't answer but only walks away. I turn around and the doors are already closed.

"(Y/N), it's okay—" Frypan puts a hand on my shoulder but I swat it away.

"It's not okay, Frypan! Don't say it is! That's a fellow glader in there that might be griever dinner tonight!"

"Why did he freak out, anyways?" Newt whispers to me. I look at him, thinking. The realization makes me looks him in the eye.

"We can't talk about it here. I need to tell Alby first." I whisper back to him before pulling Alby to a private place.


"He got into the map room and saw the maze thing there. He must have freaked out because of that."

"I don't understand. He wouldn't figure out that it's the whole maze—"

"I kind of wrote something on the table when I got angry.." I mumble.


"Look, I'm sorry. I know it was stupid. Fine, it's my fault. Happy now?"

"I'm not blaming anyone for this." he simply says and then tells me he has to get everybody back to work.

"What? That's it?"  I call after him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that's all you're gonna do? You don't care about Ace being in grave danger?"

"Once you get trapped out there, you're as good as dead." he plainly says as if it's not a thing to be worried about.

He leaves me there standing alone to process everything.


"Is there a chance he could survive?" I ask Newt while we both sit on his hammock. Yes, we are sitting on the same hammock. Surprisingly, we fit.

"I wouldn't get my hopes high. No one survives a night in the maze." he says making me laugh. He looks at me weirdly.

"How many times have I heard someone say that in this place?" I continue laughing. After a few seconds I look at him only to catch him smiling at me.

"Finally, you laughed after weeks of..bad mood?"

"Yeah.. It feels nice." I look at the doors from far away and start thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

"Hey, (Y/N), do you like someone here?" he asks, making me look at him with eyebrows knitted together.

"Of course I do. I like everyone."

"I mean, you know, something like love someone...?"

"You mean love as someone I'd want to be my boyfriend? Not love like family love?" I ask and he nods. I shake my head before standing up.

"Where are you going?"

"To sleep, Newt. Goodnight, love." I joke and chuckle. He says goodnight with a weird face like this 😳. I swear that's a deep blush on his face.


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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