Hanging out with the gang

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February 1943,

"Brother what are you making?" Steuben asks his brother. "Oh I'm baking some chocolate bananas, it's on a bake sale," "Well brother I am about to do some bakesale at the reichstag building, but it is occupied with Germans." "Oh yeah you're right, it is too dangerous to go out there alone." Collins woke up with a smell coming from the kitchen. "Hey guys," he stretched his arms up. "Hi Collins," Pinault waved at him. "I am baking some chocolate banana bread, want to try some?" He nodded as he grabbed the bread. "Sure thing Pin,"

The radio was been tuned for the Wartime stations. Well at least it was the time they were planning to go out after the war. "So anything on the radio?" Pierre wonders aimlessly. "Well I guess it will be 2 years after the war is over, US is still declaring war on Japan and Germany, but it will be okay because we feel safe at home." Pinault stammers. "In fact, we have enough food to get us nourished." Jacques had been sick for 3 days, had cold, cough and fever. Hellen decided to give him something to eat before he loses his appetite. He was not feeling well to do the chores, so Alice and Filby had to do some cleaning. The next day, Bruno was sitting on the couch thinking about what they can do when the war is over.

Near the End.

March 1943,

Filby was doing his laundry in order to help out with Pinault and Steuben. "So what are we doing today?" He asks. "At least the radio was speaking about how the war is going to end in the next two years, anyone excited?" "Oh yes, Finally! We are going to get out of this place in no time." Hawthorne shouted.
"At least all of us were not alone now," Pinault agreed with Hawthorne. "I believe so, it is going to end soon, so that we would able to travel around the world."

"So how are the things going Bernie?" She asked Bernadette. "It's been better," Bernadette replied. "All of us will be doing a lot of things when the war ends, I hope things would get back to normal anytime soon." "I hope so too," Alice said. The gang were on the table eating food and Hawthorne saw a water dripping on the wooden floor. "Excuse me guys!" He said as he rushed upstairs. "Maddie what on earth are you doing? You goofball! Don't bother pee on the floor." "She peed on the floor. Poop," Hawthorne starts looking at Filby. "Are you serious dude?" Filby stuck his tongue by teasing Hawthorne. Filby knew Hawthorne was like a brother to him.

Pinault and Steuben's bedroom

Pinault was still bouncing balls on the wall and started playing catch. "I miss playing swing music," he was longing for the swing cds and sone stuff his uncle gave as a Christmas present. "My brother and I used to play the swing music, my brother and I danced together at the Cafe where everyone would watch us perform the swing dance, hold hands, flipping while dancing and yet sing a long with Steuben." Bruno crossed his arms. "I know how you feel Pinault, I miss those days where you guys dance and sing most of the time when it was peaceful here in Germany, but now things were different from now on." Pinault nods. "Right, I just want the war to be over and get these things back to normal, I hope it would be normal anytime soon." "I hope so too Pin," Bruno sighs.

June 1944,

Hellen was listening to the radio and heard about the speech about Dwight D. Eisenhower. But spoke about what happened because they knew they wanted the war to be over. "Anything that happened today is that the war is going to be over," Everyone was screaming in excitement. "Finally!" Steuben said. "The war is going to be over, we will go to Los Angeles for vacation," They threw a party and besides talking about what they can do after the war.

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