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After a little while, I decide it's time to get out of the shower. I have washed my hair and cleansed my face, so there's nothing left for me to do here. I dry myself with a blue towel and get dressed in the little bathroom. I would've walked to my room, just wearing a towel, however, I have heard some people in the hallways, so I decided it's best to not risk the chance of someone seeing me naked. I walk back to my room and take a seat on the bed ad grab my laptop. I start the computer and meanwhile I comb my curly hair. I eye the diary one more time, but I leave it alone now. I first want to write an email. Finally my laptop has started and I open my mail. I haven't checked it for at least a couple of days, and I don't feel like checking it all out right now. I open a new email message and place my hands on the keys. 

Dear Nadia, 

I'm sorry I haven't written to you in quite a while, I have been extremely busy and to be honest, I wasn't feeling it either. But now I have some time and I have this major issue, and I feel like it will get worse. 

A few days ago, a young man named Roberto came to stay with us in our hotel. He seemed rather normal, like a casual fan of some football team. I'm unsure if you're following the entire festive, but the World Championship has started a few days ago. He gave me money for the day he would stay, however, he mysteriously disappeared a few moments after. 

A day later, I was asked to clean his room, even though he hasn't really used it at all. I found a diary, which belonged to Roberto. You're probably wondering, wow do men actually write in diaries? Well apparently they do. I read a few pages actually and it was written to a reader, not specified what reader. There were two letters engraved in the pages: FT. Probably Fernando Torres, the Spanish football player that has disappeared since December. I'm reading about what he has done, where he's been all that time and why he ran away and such. And I don't know what to do with it? Should I go to the police? I can't just go find Fernando Torres to give him back this diary?! What do I do?

Please help me!!!


Alexandra Roos.

I click 'send'. After I decide to surf online for a bit. I check my facebook and my twitter, but nothing interesting is on, so I close my computer. It was just in time, because I heard my mother calling me from downstairs, asking me for help. 

"Yes?" I ask her when I get to the kitchen. She glances at the door and I understand the gesture. I walk to the front door and I welcome the new guests. 

"Welcome to South Africa," I say to them, "I hope you had a pleasant flight." I'm not sure where they're from but they seem to be from Southern Europe. "Come in, I'll lead you to your room." It was a family with two children. The girls were only around 8 or 9 years old. The man smiled. 

"Thank you," he said and after I checked them in, we walked upstairs and I showed them their room. The woman thanks me, and she has a very strong accent, which sounds very funny to me. "We eat breakfast at 8, lunch is at  half past 12 and dinner is served at 5, let us know if you want anything changed whatsoever," I tell the family.I leave them in their room to get used to it and I walk away from them, and take a seat in front of the television again.

The show is really boring, but I'm glad that someone walks into the room yelling my name. I shoot up and see Rose smiling widely at me. "Hey Rose." We grown a tad closer together the last few days, at least that's what I think. 

"We went to the boulevard today, it was beautiful," she tells me. It's true, the boulevard here is very beautiful. "Anyways, I was wondering if you would like to come watch Cristiano train today." She looks at me with pleading eyes, as if she doesn't want to go alone. "Well, I mean I know it might not be very interesting to you, it's not really interesting for me either, but I mean, he asked me to come."

"Sure, I could come, it would be good for me to be around some people right now, I've been bored out of my mind leading all the guests in and out," I say to her. She smiles again and investigates my appearance. I feel insecure immediately. 

"I'm not sure you should wear your work outfit," Rose says. 

"I'm pretty sure I should not wear my work outfit," I say to her laughing. I walk upstairs to get dressed I take out a blue dress and some high heels. I decide on a little vest too, because it's not that warm outside. When I'm dressed nicely, and have done my hair and makeup properly, Rose says: "Great, now let's find you a rich Portugese man." 

"Well, a better idea: Let's not," I say as we walk to the car. I asked my mother first, whether there were no other guests coming, but apparently not, and if there were, it were only one or two families and she could handle it herself now. It was just a tad busy when she was handling dinner and having to check in the family I just led upstairs.

After having driven around 30 minutes, we read the place the Portugese team is training. We talked quite sometime about my love life, even though it made me super awkward, but she was curious and I just answered her questions. I told her about Fernando too. Rose met him one time. Well kind of met him. It's a long story. She says he's ambitious and passionate about whatever he does.

"I doubt I'll find love there though," I say after a long pause. 

"Of course you will, I will make your love life spicy again," Rose claims. She parks her car at the the stadium and we get out of the car. I must admit that I'm rather nervous about this, it's basically an entire team of hot guys and then there's me. It frightens me. And my hormones. When we arrive, Rose chats in Portugese to some guy dressed in black and we get in easily. I feel myself blushing a little when I see the team playing on the grass. I feel the need to walk away, but Rose grabs my hand and pulls me back.

i kept thinking ≫ fernando torresWhere stories live. Discover now