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I stand in front of the mirror. Time passed on far quicker than usual after I read Fernando's final letter. I go to the game and I'll give the notebook to him. I take out a little black dress and get dressed. I put on super high heels to look even taller than I usually am. I walk to the room, whether I can even walk on this shoes for an entire night, and if not, Fernando will have to carry me around. I smile and put Fernando's journal in my purse, scared that my mother will find it. 

"Will you pick me up tonight, or should I find someone to drive me there?"

I text these words to Fernando and immediately I get a message back. 

"I'll pick you up, obviously."

I grin at my phone, put it in my back and walk downstairs to the living room. My mother is sitting on the sofa, probably relaxing just a few minutes. My mom looks at me. 

"Where are you going?" She asks me and she seems a bit angry. 

"I've been invited to a party," I say calmly. 

"You're not going to a party, tonight will be busy, we have rooms to clean up, we have guests coming in, I need you here," She says. Well, I mean, you could almost considering yelling, but she's holding back. 

"That's too bad, I have a life aside from this too, you know," I say and I feel like I sound a little sassy towards my mother. I immediately regret it, but for some reason don't take the words back. "I'm going anyways."

"And get drunk of course," my mother says and she sounds very angry now. 

"Of course not! Who do you think I am?!" It's more a rhetorical question, than a questio I wan an answer on. I walk out of the door and throw the door closed behind me, but my mother is quick enough to stop that.

"Come back here, right now," My mother yells at me. 

"No," I yell back, and walk away as far as possible. Out of the street. I grab my phone and call Hailey.

"Hailey can you please come here, my mother is angry and I'm going insane." I burst out in tears and I'm about 100% sure my mascara is running down my face. I'm waiting for Hailey to answer, but she doesn't. It's a beep. Voice mail. I cry a little more and find another number. Fernando. I'm sure he'll pick me up right now. Why wouldn't he have been my first choice? I call him. 

"Fernando," he says. I'm sure he knows it's him. I start crying after hearing his voice. 

 "Can you please know now?" I ask him crying. I sit down on a rock 

"What happened?" he asks, but as he hears me cry and sob, he says: "Never mind, I'm already on my way." It doesn't take too long before he finds me sitting on a rock at the end of the street where I live. 

"Alex, what happened?" he asks me and sits next to me. He tries to hug me, but I can feel he's a bit uncomfortable with it too. 

"My mother is angry with me for going to a party once. I mean, she wants me to stay home, help me out with the house and all that, but that's not really whawt I want with my life. I want to go to college and I want to leave this country one day, or at least, this city," I say. He smiles and wipes a tear off my face. 

"Just tell her, I'm sure she'll understand," he says.

"But what if she doesn't?" I ask him. He starts thinking and then looks at me. 

"Then you'll come live with me," he says, "In Spain, we have great colleges there too."

"Yeah, sure...she'll understand that," I say to him, quite sarcastically.

"Let's get you cleaned up for the party," Fernando says and helps me get up. I get into his warm car. It's cold outside and I don't know what I was even thinking wearing no coat outside on this winter evening. I touch up in the car and Fernando meanwhile drives us to the party location. 

"You know, some people from the Spanish team might come," I say. 

"Oh," is all he says. 

"Yeah I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you about that," I say. I know that if I did, he wouldn't have wanted to come with me anyways.

"That's alright, It will probably be dark anyways," Fernando says and parks his car.

"Glad you're coming though," I say to him. 

"I'll do anything for you," Fernando says. Oh how cheesy. He looks at the road and I'm just thinking about my mother now, knowing that she's probably furious that I left anyways. I take out my phone and check whether I have any new messages. She could've messaged me. I return my phone to my bag  and look at Fernando. We arrive at some club-kind of building. It's actually nicely decorated. We get out of the car and Fernando grabs my hand. 

"So you're Roberto for the last time tonight?" I say to him. He nods. 

"For you, I'll be Fernando, for them I'll be Roberto," he says and we walk towards the entrance. Thankfully we're on the guest list so we get in very easy. It's super crowded inside and I thank myself for not being claustrophobic because otherwise I'd probably have ran out of the place immediately. I see Hailey next to David. He's trying to flirt with someone, but I'm not sure whether that is working out. Also Kim is talking to some dude I don't really know. I'm still holding Fernando's hand, because I'm not really fond of all the people bumping into me. 

"We better go dance," I say to Fernando. 

"I'm terrible at dancing," he answers me grinning. 

"What a surprise, so am I," I tell him and I pull him to the dancing area. He looks so awkwardly as I start dancing ridiciously around him. 

"Well that's not really working out, is it?" he says. 

"Of course it will, you should start dancing with me," I tell him. Soon after a slower song comes on. One on which you should intimately dance with your partner. Many walk in together, and I just look at Fernando. He moves closer to me and we are caught in an embrace. We walk a little together, dancing. At least that's what we're attempting. I look at Hailey and David, that were both dancing too, looking great. A moment later they are making out. Like really making out. I mean, they should probably get a room or something. This evening is just gonna be great.

i kept thinking ≫ fernando torresWhere stories live. Discover now