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By the time we are inside, we try to get rid of our bags and coats and everyone seems to be staring at us. David and Hailey walk up to us and Rose seems to notice us as well. And so do Rose and Ronaldo. Everyone wants to say hello and wish us a happy time and they are so happy that Fernando is back. 

After a while, I sneak out, after telling Fernando that I need to get away from the crowd. I find Rose on the dance floor and we decide to dance so that hopefully more people will follow our lead, since no one is really dancing at all, even though the music is just great.

"Rose! How are you doing?" I ask her. 

"I'm quite well, thanks," She answers, "It seems to be going well with you, and also Fernando."

"It seems," I laugh.

"He does really seem to genuinely love you," Rose says and sips her drink. 

"I'm pretty sure, he asked me to marry him," I say, with the idea of a wedding in the back of my head. 

"Oh girl! Are you serious?!" Rose almost screams and I just nod, "Wow! I wish Cris would do that."

"I'm sure he will sometime," I say back to her. 

"But I have good news too," she says and leans a little bit more towards me, "I'm pregnant."

"Does he know?" I whisper.

"No, but I'm going to tell him as soon as I have the chance," she answers back. 

"It was wanted right?" I quickly ask. 

"Well, it's a little early, but it's definitely wanted," Rose says and she smiles widely. I give her a hug. I never know what do at moments like that. I can sound mean, but I'm sure she's really happy about having a child on the way. I see that Sophie and Julia escaped and walk towards me. 

"Hey," Julia says. I see Robin van Persie coming our way and he smiles with his eyes focused on Julia. 

"Julia it was right?" He asks her. She just nods. I see Cesc Fabregas from the corner of my eyes staring at her. I'm sure he's been eyeing her, but she doesn't know, only Fernando does. And I'm noticing it very clearly now. 

"Do you want to dance?" Robin asks her, when the music starts to change into something a little more calm. 

"Of course," she says and walks to the dance floor with Robin.

"I'm going to check out on Cristiano," Rose says and walks away. I walk to the dance floor and find Fernando trying to dance on his own. 

"What are you doing?" He asks when I take his hand. 

"We're going to dance, don't you see?" I laugh. I see Julia dancing with Robin and they are clearly having a lot of fun. The music is passionate, a bit like the songs in "Dirty Dancing". I can still see Cesc staring in the corner from a distance. Clearly annoyed. He does not seem to have the guts to walk up to hear and ask Julia to dance. But then he decides to do it anyways.

Robin and Julia are dancing passionately and I think they look really well together, though Cesc Fabregas looks at them particularly jealous.  He walks up to them.

"Hey, can I dance with Julia now perhaps?" he asks him politely. I shake my head, because I have seen what Robin can be like. I see Sophie dancing with some other guy and she seems to be having fun, so I let her be. I turn my head back to Julia and Cesc and Robin. 

"No," Robin answers.

"And why not?" Cesc asks.

"Because I'm dancing with her now," Robin says cockingly. 

"You already danced with her, I can I dance with her now?" he asks.

"They're fighting over Julia," I whisper at Fernando. "She knows who she wants, I can see it in her eyes."

"No, I'll dance with her, just find some other chick to dance with," Robin says at Cesc and they start to argue with each other. Everyone stops dancing and looks at the two fighting footballers in utter surprise. Julia escapes the two and stands a few meters back, next to me, not knowing what she could possible do. Then suddenly, Robin starts to hit Cesc, but no one does anything about it. Why are they even fighting about a girl? There are tons of others in the room.

"What do we do?" I hear people say around me. Cesc punches Robin in his stomach, right next to Julia.

"Oh no, I'm going to faint," Julia says over-dramatic. She peeks whether they have stopped yet and then continues acting. "Oh no, my poor heart, ouch." Julia grabs her heart and pretends to be fainting. But inside, Robin punches Cesc on his nose, which somehow creates a wound that starts bleeding on his white shirt, but he doesn't seem to care. Fernando seems to be annoyed next to me and steps between the two fighting guys.

"It's enough now guys," Fernando yells, "We know you want to fight and that you're after Julia, but why don't you let her decide who she wants to dance with?" He looks at Julia and so do all the other bystanders. She looks at Robin and then at Cesc, and then back and forth once again, because it seems like she really doesn't know what to do.

"I dont know," Julia says and she looks at me, probably because I'm the closest to her.

"You know who you want to be around with, you got to follow your heart," I say to Julia. She nods and she knows I'm right.

"I don't want to leave the other guy hanging, you know," Julia says. 

"You're not, believe me," Fernando says to her. 

"Cesc, do you want to dance with me?" Julia asks Cesc. He smiles and looks down at her. 

"Of course I'll dance with you" he says and grabs her hand and pulls her to the dance floor. Robin looks at the and then walks back to the bar. He's been left behind, but the party goes on. The music continues and starts dancing again.

i kept thinking ≫ fernando torresWhere stories live. Discover now