The Night He Was Drunk

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Love yourself cause no one will do it for you

As promised another chapter..


I was desperate need of a drink. One drink and then I would leave the bar. I promised myself.

I grabbed my coat and headed out the door. I didn't feel like riding so I walked. The streets were lonely. Dark.

I finally reached the bar. It was packed as usual. I went to the counter and signaled the bartender. The usual. I didn't need to tell him. He knew what I wanted.

I started out with one drink and before I knew it I was down to ten glasses. My head started to get fussy. Blurry vision.

Across the room there was red head looking at me. She licked her lips. No doubt her style of seduction which was not pleasing to my eyes. She proceeded to bite her lips. I cringed. This was pure torture to my eyes. I turn away. I was about to call it a night when I felt someone breathe fanning my neck.

I didn't need to look around to know that it was the red head. She tapped my shoulder. I looked around.

Her chest were up to her collar. Her face caked with make up.

"I saw you from across the bar and I couldn't help noticing you noticing me" she twirled her hair and giggled.

Long gone were the days when females wants the men to be the predators.

Oh god somebody shoot me.

"I can assure you madam I wasn't. My eyes merely strayed from my drink" I was hoping she would take a hint.

"Well I sure noticed you though. Care to buy me a drink?" She purred.

"Actually no. I was just getting up to leave" I got to my feet and stumbled. Before I hit the floor strong arms gripped me.

I was met with a angry man. He was shorter than me but well built. He was with two other men.

"My lady came and said that you were flirting with her. That true" he said.

I really wasn't in the mood to fight anyone at the moment.

"That was your lady? She didn't really seem like she belonged to anyone. But if you gentlemen will excuse me I have to be getting home do have a lovely night" with that I left the bar.

The cold of the night hit my face. I didn't mind it one bit in fact I welcomed it.

I heard footsteps behind me. I hoped to god it wasn't those blasted imbeciles from the bar.

"Don't move" I heard the voice. I knew it was that same half wit. I continued walking when a shot landed directly beside my shoe.

I turned slowly.

"Now you have my attention. What can I do you for" he had the two other men along with him.

"Watch, coat. Hand them here" I took them off. Usually I'd start a brawl but I didn't fancy getting shot and left for dead in an alley walking home drunk.

I took them off and one of his goon retrieved them. Not before fisting me in the face and stomach. I fell to the ground. A evil smile came across his face.

I hear a gasp. Everyone looked to the direction.

I saw the most beautiful woman. Even though it was dark I could still her face's reflection. She has brown hair that was slightly tousled perhaps by the wind. Her eyes looked almost chocolate. She had a small nose. Structured. Her lips were pink and inviting.

She was in a dress with a cloak. A baby wrapped around her. Who the hell walks around with a baby at this hour of the night.

"What in God names are you doing to this poor man" she said. I was far from poor though.

She walked over to me and inspected my face. She settled on my face a bit to long. I knew she found me attractive. What woman wouldn't.

Even with my busted lips and swollen face.

"This is none of your business woman" the short one shouted.

"It is now" she stood up. A brave one I see.

I saw the two other men grabbed her by her hands as the short one walked over to her and kissed. She bit him and kneed him in the middle.

I felt so helpless. I could barely stand. The liquor.

His hand came flying and smacked her across the face. She fell to the ground. The baby started to wail.

"ENOUGH!!" I yelled. I seemed to get their attention. If it meant beating me to the death so she could escape then it was worth it.

They walked over and started to punch and kick my body.

I opened my eyes long enough to see her walking over without the baby. She was really angry this time.

She pulled one of them off and punched him out cold. What the hell.

She did the same to the other one as well. Out cold to.

The short one turned to her and aimed the gun at her.

"I doubt you have it in you to shoot me" she told him.

She flipped the gun out of his hand and aimed it back at him.

I couldn't believe my eyes. She took the gun and slammed it against him temple.

"I think we best leave" she helped me to my feet.

"If there's any way I can repay you let me know" then I fell in darkness.



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