The Day Ms Henry Smirk

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Abandoned you I have... Worst writer ever!! But I'm here now..
I've been writers block tbh and busy busy

AMAZING COVER BY Queen_of_craziness



I hadn't meant to slap him the way I did. I was angry. His head snap back and his eyes blaze. I must admit a moment I was perhaps scared. Scared that he'd hit me back. But he was nothing like Stephen.

Calling me child thief!

I most certainly was not. Mary was my niece.

My heart sank when I thought about what he must have thought of me.

"Explain then Scarlet" he slammed his fist against the table.

"Mary is my niece. I.." The words died on my lips as he interrupted me

"If she's your niece. Then you're no widower and you've never been engaged! Lies! All lie Scarlet"

His words stung.

Stabbing my heart.

"Would you listen to me Lucian. If you interrupt me once more again so help me God there will be a grave and a head stone waiting for me by night fall" I looked him dead in the eye.

He strolled over to the settee and sat down.

"My brother the Earl died when Olivia was pregnant. I was young and foolish. Stephen my ex fiancé came and he.. he told me everything a naive young girl wanted to hear. I thought he would help me.

But he just wanted to use me. He drugged me once and attempted to marry me. But I escaped. I haven't seen him in 7 months since I ran away. The night Olivia gave birth to Mary. She died in child's birth.

He came back this time with the full intention of kidnapping me. So yes Lucian I lied to that I did and I apologize but I had my reasons. So don't you dare sit there and judge me because you have no idea absolutely no idea what I've been through" my voice cracked a little.

I was determined not to cry. Tears were a sign of weakness father use to tell me.

Wipe your tears scarlet! I raised you better! His words taunted.

"I'm sorry" he said.

He rose up from the chair and walked over to me with the full intention or trying to embrace me.

I held my hand up and stopped him in his track.

"Don't you dare touch me!"

A smirk appeared on his handsome face.

"You didn't seem offended when I was touching you last night" he started walking towards me.

"Don't take another step Lucian William Bancroft" I backed up until my back hit the wall.

My breathing because heavy and my heart hammered against my chest.

The room felt hot.

When did this blasted room shrink.

"I like it when you say my name Scarlet Elizabeth Bancroft" his lips were inches from mine.

"Please" I wasn't particularly sure what I was begging for.

His lips touch mine or for him to move away from me.

His lips touched my neck I gasped.

"I'm sorry Scarlet for thinking the way I did. For accusing you"

With each word he kissed a different part of my neck.

Memories of lastnight came back.

Oh god

No wonder newlyweds were always locked up.

No wonder babies were made.

My thoughts were stopped when Lucians lips touched mine. My eyes flew open.

I couldn't resist the urge.

I kissed him back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands dug into my waist.

"I was first and I will be your last" he said between kisses.

"Last night was the first and last husband"

It was now my turn to smirk.

"We'll see about that" his breath on my ears.

I dipped his head again to claim another kiss when a giggle stopped us.

Before us stood Ms Henry with Mary on her hips.

A smile so bright it would make the sun appear like a mere dot in the sky.

"Even in drawing room you make babies" she chuckled.

Mary's eyes were wide with excitement.

"Not its nothing of that sort Ms Henry. Scarlet and I were just talking" Lucian pleaded.

"Talking with lip" she made illustration with her mouth.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"I not sure drawing room best place to make babies though"

"I not sure drawing room best place to make babies though"

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Soooo I've found the perfect person to play Mr Henry.. She played Consuela inFamily Guy..
I know she's not a real person but idk she's perfect for the role so just work with it..

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