1. The Game Begins

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Just for reference in case some of you didn't know:

(e/c) - eye colour

(h/c) - hair colour

(h/l) - hair length

(f/c) - favorite colour

*Beep beep beep beep*

Your eyelids fluttered open as your alarm drowned out the noise of your dreams. Leaning over to shut it off you sighed as you rubbed your (e/c) eyes. Running a hand through your (h/l) knotted (h/c) you pulled yourself off the bed and headed towards the bathroom. Pulling out your tooth brush you began cleaning off your teeth and took a quick shower before heading back to your room to get ready for another boring day at school. Pulling on a (f/c) t-shirt and a pair of jeans you made your way downstairs into the suprisingly large kitchen. Upon seeing you your mother pushed a plate of pancakes drowned in maple syrup (because they are so bloody delicious) in front of you whilst your dad folded his paper and placed it on the table. "Good to see your up at last. I was afraid I was going to have drag you out of that bed." Your dad said before taking a sip of his coffee. You said nothing but gave your dad a glare and continued to stuff your face with pancakes. After finishing off the last of your breakfast you waved goodbye to your parents as you collected your (f/c) hoodie and black boots and checked your watch. "Shit I'm late" you mumbled as you tugged on your last boot before pulling open the door and making a mad dash for the bus stop. Practically falling over every step of the way you made your way up the hill. Catching sight of your four best friends standing at the bus stop caused you to slow down to a brisk walk so you catch your breath.

Hearing the snow crunching the guys turned around. Stan and Kyle gave you a warm smile and you assumed Kenny was smiling too but you couldn't see his mouth due to his orange parka. Cartman on the other hand glared daggers at you and practically shouted at you "About godamn time you turned up (y/n)! Any more waiting time and I would have died, now where are my treats?" You mentally facepalmed as Stan looked at Cartamn then back at you. "What the hell is fatass talking about (y/n)?" "Oh um we kinda made a bet and lardass won so now I have to give him the junk food from my lunches for the next week." As soon as you said that Cartman yelled at you to stop calling him fat and then he started to rip off Kyle for being Jewish. The bus pulled up and the guys and yourself got on. You sat next to Stan and Kyle whilst Kenny and Cartman sat behind you.

-----Time skip to the end of the day because I'm lazy-----

Now you were sitting in class listening to Mr Garrison drone on about some pointless show that nobody cared about when the bell rang. A herd of fourth grade students ran out the door towards their lockers or out the main doors of the school. Heading towards your locker you opened it up placing your books inside of it before slamming it shut and heading out of the doors to catch up with the others. "Hey do you guys wanna come round mine to play some video games? I got a new game the other day thats all." You asked the others whilst you fiddled with the string on your (f/c) hoodie. "Yeah sure!" Stan and Kenny said in unison. Cartam only grunted with a slight nod of his head. Kyle on the other hand replied with "Sure but can we make a stop to my house on the way so um... you know put my books away and let my parents know where I am?" You raised a quizzical eyebrow but agreed none the less. After stopping off at Kyle's the group make their way to your house. After saying a brief hello to your mother who was reading in the living room, you head upstairs and power on your xbox. (I prefer xbox ok don't judge me. Plus I don't remember any of the boys in South Park having a playstation) You handed out the controllers and started the game.

After an hour of playing your mother bought up some soda and other junk food for all of you. (god i wish my mum was like this) After she left you, Stan, Kyle and Kenny pounced on the tray before Cartman could get to it. Cartman though was deep in thought over the notepad he was scribbling down notes on. You took a sip of your soda before grabbing a bag of Cheesy Poofs and throwing it at the thinking boy. "HEY!! What was that for you dumb bitch?" Cartman shot daggers at your sniggering form. The others started laughing too while Cartman just picked up the bag and placed on your desk as he turned around causing the chair to squeak under his weight. This only caused you and the others to laugh harder. "w-what are you... working s-so hard on?" you asked between laughs. When you and the others calmed down and regained your breaths Cartman thrust the notepad in your faces. You looked it over before Cartman spoke up again "Based on a bunch of random things from other games and decided," He held up a stick "To start a new game of our own! I of course will be the all powerful Grand Wizard of the human army and you guys will be my loyal subjects." Cartman got down from the chair, a proud smirk plastered on his face. "But what if we don't want to be in your amry fatass?" Kyle questioned. Cartman scowled at the Jew with hatred. "Fine then Jew be on your own army. I don't want your Jew germs anyway!" Kenny walked over and mumbled something to Cartman while Stan went over and stood by his best friend Kyle. You, still sitting on the bed dumbfounded, looked between the two groups wondering who to join but before the question escaped past your lips Cartman and the others glanced in your direction and he said "Oh yeah another rule of the game, NO GIRLS!" You stood there a look of shock and anger masked your face. "WHY THE FUCK CAN'T GIRLS JOIN?" You ytelled at Cartman who did not react in the slightest. Stan, Kyle and Kenny nodded in agreement to your sudden outburst but didn't seem to want to say anything. "Because at the moment I or should I say the humans of Zaron are in control of the Stick of Truth and so I say that girls can't join." You glared at Cartman as he smirked even more. You expected Kyle or Stan to invite you to their side but instead they both nodded their heads and hummed in agreement to what Cartman had said. You felt like you just died right there. Your best friends since pre-school just turned you away from joining a game they created. "So the rules are in agreement Grand Wizard?" Kyle questioned. Cartman simply nodded before exiting your room. Kenny looked back and gave you an apologetic smile before walking out after the Wizard fatass. "Kyle please can I join your side? Cartman doesn't have to know." You tried reasoning with the other two but they simply shook theirheads and walked out.

-----1 Week later-----

You sat bored in you room as always since you couldn't join the boys' game and you decided you didn't fit in with the girls. You watched as a group of humans walked past your house. Among them were some of your other friends; Butters, Tweek and Clyde. You had almost every one of your friends that were part of the game but they all said the same thing 'No girls allowed'. You saw them get into a fight with a gang of elves (Kyle's side) and win. You watched and rubbed your (e/c) eyes as you remembered that your supposed friends never really texted you or even talked to you much anymore. You sat there watching as the elves got up and continued on their way once the humans were out of sight. Rubbing away angry tears that you didn't even know you had, you ran over to your closet. Throwing open the doors you looked around until you spotted it. Things were soon going to be very different...


A/n: So first chapter huh? Looks like things are gonna be getting good. What am I talking about? Of course they're gonna get good! Let me know what you thought of the first chapter and support it in anyway you want. Thanks so much for reading this guys! More chapters are already on the way!

- Vortex <3

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