9. Secrets Revealed

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(Y/n)'s POV

I drew my sword ready to fight the attackers. As I ran I double checked my costume.

Wolf hat: Check

Facial scarf: Check

Trousers and shirt: Check

Weapon holders (the two belts): Check

Sash: Check

Fingerless gloves: Check

Shoulder pads: Check

Black cape: Check

Boots: Check

Pendant: Check

(F/n)'s bow: Check

Dagger and sword: Check

Arrows: Check

Satchel: Check

After quickly adjusting my facial scarf I had made it to the gates of the Elven Kingdom. A crowd of elves blocked my direct sight which was exactly what I wanted. If the humans saw me then they would declare full on war with the elves, I had to stay hidden until Kyl... I mean the Elven King, was happy for the humans to see me. To be 100% sure I wasn't seen I bent my knees a little to ensure my hat wasn't visible.

Through the murmurs of the elves I could hear the Elf King and Wizard Fatass talking, more like yelling at each other. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Stan waving his hand, signalling me to come over to him. Making sure I wasn't visible I kept my head down as I ran over to him. "Here you're going to need these." Stan said as he stuffed a packet of Cheesy Poofs, a couple of cookies, a bottle of water and a taco (wrapped up of course) into my hands. Nodding I put them inside my satchel for later in case I needed them during the fight. I knew what each of the things did of course as I had seen the boys use junk food to revive and heal each other when I was still in hiding. "Kyle said for us to both show ourselves on the wall. I'll go first then signal for you to come up. Ok?" Stan looked at me with a determined look on his face. In return I simply nodded. (Wow very sociable aren't you?)

Stan walked up the ladder that played the role of make shift stairs and stood atop the wall to the right of Kyle. The murmuring of the elves had long since silenced itself as soon as Stan started walking. 'Wow he has a lot of respect from his fellow brethren' I thought. I kept my eyes on Stan waiting for him to signal me.

Kyle's POV (It's easier to write the conversation this way)

My elven army had gathered at the gate waiting for my signal to attack. "What do you want Wizard King?" I demanded. Fatass glared at me, if looks could kill I would have been dead in 2 seconds flat. But what does he expect? He decides to turn up at my gate unexpected with nearly half his so-called army behind him and expects a nice, kind-hearted welcome? Hah! fat chance.

"For your information Elf King, I haven't come on terms of war, although some rules need to be run over again"

Shit, does he know we have (Y/n)? He couldn't, unless he wants her on his side. That must be it!

"No. I have come to discuss the situation about this so called Wolf. It is obvious we have both seen and heard of this kid. We need to talk about who this kid is because they are not following the rules! They are not respecting my god damn authoritah!"

I rolled my eyes but decided to follow along for the sake of (Y/n). "I have indeed heard of this Wolf, but as I rarely leave my kingdom I have not had the chance to see them for myself. Although I have heard rumors that they have been seen all over the land. I remember my loyal elves mention that he has been seen lots at the Inn of the Giggling Donkey. However I do not see why this matter requires you to bring what can hardly be classed as an army."

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