4. Too Noticed?

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---A month later---

You have been playing this game for just over a month and you have basically become enemy number one. Everyone in the land had heard of you and you were no longer a mystery, which was exactly what you wanted. You wanted everyone to know who your cover was (The Wolf) but not know the person underneath the mask (you). (have no idea if that sentence made any sense but yolo) Right now you were sitting in your tree house in your backyard. The tree house was well built and didn't smell of rotting wood at all. You had some video game posters of your favourite games, some boxes which were arranged in the middle to represent a table and chairs and then you had shelves stacked up to the roof on one of the walls. The shelves had different things on them like comics, candy and stuff for drawing. You have now turned the tree house into your hideout by adding a map of South Park, which you got from your dad, on the wall and marked the Elven and Human kingdoms onto their respected locations. You also put in some candles for when it was dark, an assortment of healing supplies (cheesy poofs, snacky cakes and what-not) and also some spoils you picked up from any humans or elves you battled that you thought were worth keeping like letters giving orders or the odd treasure like lockets and rings.

"Y/n can you come down here please?" your mother yelled from the back door. Sighing you get up and slowly climb down. "Yeah mum what's up?" you ask jogging up to her. She doesn't speak another word but she hands you a letter. You take the letter and look up but your mother has already turned back to get on with whatever she was doing. Running back up to the safety of your tree house you turn the letter over in your hands and notice its sealed with a red wax stamp. Taking a closer look at the stamp you see two swords crossed with an oak leaf in the middle. Ripping the top of the envelope off so as not to damage the seal you pulled out the letter and placed it on the makeshift table. Grabbing a set of scissors you carefully cut out the seal and pin it up by the map of South Park. Turning back you grab the letter and began to read.

~Time skip because I'm lazy. (Basically its from a random person and it says that they know who you are)~

"They know. They know what? No impossible I never took off the hat or scarf outside the safety of my base. Who are they? Ugh!" You said aloud to nobody. Throwing the letter on the table you threw your hands to your hair and pulled slightly. Suddenly you whipped your head around to look at the wax stamp off the letter. "Of course!" Carefully unpinning the stamp you wrapped it in some loose cloth and put it in your satchel. Whoever 'they' were they weren't going to scare you into hiding. This was your fight and your fight alone. You took to the cover of the trees and made your way to the one place you know that could have the answer. The Inn Of The Giggling Donkey...

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