Student By Day

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"I had fun tonight." I said as I looked up at my science teacher. God, even to me that sentence sounds weird. Tonight was fun though. After our mains we shared a sundae. Old fashioned I know but sweet all the same. We finally decided it was getting late and with a goodbye and thank you to Sam we left the café. We were now stood outside our cars as we both drove here separately. "So did I Scarlett." Mr Harris said, pulling me back into reality. He started to close the gap between us, I could feel his hot breath fanning my face before he incased my lips with his. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he brought me closer if that was possible. After we parted we stood there, resting our foreheads against each other, panting. "I should probably go." I said. Instantly regretting the words as soon as I saw his smile drop. "I'll see you tomorrow, 2nd period?" He sighed.
"Yeah, sorry, tonight I forgot you were my student." I kissed him on the cheek before speaking once more.
"I won't be able to hand in the homework."
"And why is that?" He grinned.
"I was kinda busy on a date with a cute guy." He smirked and leant in again, repeating what just happened earlier.

"Hey dude, I need a ride home and you've been there for 15 minutes, come on!" A voice shouted. I looked behind Mark to see Sam standing in the doorway with his arms folded. Mark groaned and covered his face with his hands while I giggled. "I think that's my cue." I hugged him one last time and gave a small wave to Sam before getting into my car.


I entered the classroom on time for a change. Riley was walking next to me, fretting about what kind of mood Mark would be in. Could I call him Mark in my head? Or should I still call him Mr Harris? God knows but what I did know was I would have to be careful in class what I called him. "I'm sure he'll be fine." I tried to reassure her. She raised her eyebrow at me. "How do you know?" She asked. Crap. How did I know? I can't just outright say I went on a date with him. "I don't. Just a gut feeling I guess." I shrugged. Thankfully she didn't ask any more questions. We sat down just as Mr Harris came in the classroom. "Good morning class." He said, happily. "See he's a lot more happy." I whispered to Riley. She shook her head in disbelief. "I don't know how you knew, are you psychic or something?" I chuckled.
"Nope just smart." I turned my attention back to Mark. He flashed me a grin before getting the class's attention again.

"I hope you remembered your homework." A few curse words were muttered under people's breath as he started to go around the class, collecting the homework. "And where's yours Scarlett?"
"I didn't do it." I answered truthfully. He knew why so I didn't think I'd have to explain.
"Why?" He asked. I was shocked. I know he has to act like a teacher but he didn't ask the other students to explain fully. He just told them to hand it in tomorrow. "I got distracted." He sighed.
"Not good enough. Detention Miss Miller." I groaned and put my head on the desk for the rest of the lesson. What was with him?

After school I knocked on Mr Harris' door. "Come in." I entered to see Mark sitting at his desk looking frustrated at his computer. I closed the door behind me. "What's wrong?"
"I've just seen one of my classes predicted grades."
"Bad?" He nodded.
"Terrible." I'm sharing this class with another teacher I'll have to see how she teaches them." I raised my eyebrow. She. It was a girl. Breathe Scarlett. Why are you getting jealous, he didn't say anything bad? I sat on a clear section of his desk, swinging my legs back and forth. "Why did you give me a detention?" I asked the question I wanted to know since he gave me one. "It was the only way to get you alone without it appearing suspicious." He grinned. He stood up in front of me. "Get me alone to do what?" I asked. He smirked and slowly started to lean in. I grabbed him by his tie and pulled him forward until our lips met. He now stood in between my legs as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Feeling sparks whenever we kissed. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Mark jumped back. "Go look busy." He whispered in my ear. I nodded and quickly went to the nearest desk and took out my science textbook. The head of science walked in. "Mark I was just wondering if you could go over your classes predicted grades." He spoke, I don't think he noticed I was there. "Sure. Miss Miller you can go." Mark informed me. I nodded and packed my stuff.

As I closed the door I turned to look back into the classroom. Mark was watching. He gave a sly wink before turning to focus back on the teacher talking to him.

The Jerk Of A Science TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now