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I was now sat on the sofa with my legs tucked under me, sipping on my hot chocolate. With the thunderstorm still happening outside, the only sound so far was the rain against the windows with the occasional roar of thunder. I could feel the wall between us. Maybe I should give up. I knew that I should but I wouldn't want all we went through to be for nothing.

"Mark," I whispered, breaking the silence.

"Hmm." He looked up to face me with those blue eyes I had fallen for from the moment I walked in the door. I just didn't know it.

"I don't want to give up." A single tear rolled down my face, my heart was breaking with every moment that passed. I didn't know if our fate was already decided. I knew if we really wanted to we could change our path, but how desperate were we?

"Neither do I Scarlett. I know a lot has happened since you ran out on me but I still want to travel with you. No matter what you do I don't think I can give up that easily."

"Do you think our fate is already decided?" He seemed shocked by my question but took a moment to think it over.

"I think if it is, we're doing a hell of a lot to change it."

"So you believe in fate?"

"Yeah, I do. I believe that it was fate that you walked into my classroom, Scarlett."

"I know you have walls up, and I understand why, but if the offer still stands, I would love to travel the world with you."

"I don't think the offer could ever not be there. I'd love for you to join me."

"But we have to go to Disney World." Mark started to laugh.

"Sure Scarlett, we'll go to Disney World." Just as he spoke the lights turned off. "There must have been a power cut due to the storm," Mark said as he stood up carefully navigating his way to the kitchen to get the spare candles, he seemed to have kept in the kitchen drawers.

"You're not scared of the dark are you?" He asked.

"Not of the dark, of the things in it," I admitted shyly. After lighting the last candle Mark sat in his original position beside me, except he had his arm across the back of the sofa.

"Come here, I'll protect you." I moved closer, resting my head in the crest of his neck.

"Thank you," I whispered as I placed a small kiss on his neck.

"Anytime, Scarlett." He brought me closer as I fell asleep.


I woke to Mark softly snoring in my ear. Our legs were tangled together, and honestly, it couldn't have been more perfect.I looked around at my surroundings and realised we were in Mark's bed. Mark must have carried me here before falling asleep next to me. I leant over slowly to check the time on the alarm clock beside the bed. I must have moved his arm as I soon heard Mark softly speak,

"Good Morning." His morning voice was low and husky. With his messy hair nearly covering his eyes, I couldn't help but admire the sight i had woken up to.


"I could get used to this." Mark chuckled softly. I smiled, before agreeing.

"I would love to stay but I need to get home, my mom will be wondering if I'm safe." Mark nodded. I quickly took a shower and go changed, to find Mark hadn't moved an inch.

"I don't care if you don't say it back but I love you," I said, before softly placing my lips on his. He didn't need to say it back. I knew how he felt. And I knew that he had his guard up, it was my fault he was doing that. But last night, we talked. It wasn't about school or a new person that found out. For once it was about us. Our relationship. And, I loved it. I felt closer to him than I ever had before. The stress was gone. For that night it was just me, him and our emotions. I couldn't ask for anything more at this point.


"Scarlett Miller, you're late again." Mr Harris spoke from behind his desk. His arms were crossed and he had a frown on his face but I could see a playful glint in his eye.

"Some things never change Sir, no matter how hard you try." I smiled at him. He rolled his eyes before signalling for me to go and sit down.

"What the hell was that?" Riley asked as I sat my stuff down next to her.


"Some things never change Sir, not matter how hard you try?"

"Oh that."

"Yes, that."

"We made up. I think."

"You think?"

"He still has his guard up, I know why. I know it's my fault. But I hope we get past this."

"You will. I've never seen a couple go through so much in such a short time. You two seem to be invincible as a pair."

"Trust me, we're not. I think we're both scared. Scared of what the future holds, and scared of our emotions just now." I tell her.

"It seems like you have it figured out."

"I don't. I'm far from it." Just as I'm explaining to Riley our relationship and situation Mr Harris walks past, dropping a sticky note on my desk. 'Be ready for 7:00, I'll pick you up. We're going to where it began.' Butterflies were released in my stomach, as I read the note. This was it. This was us trying, he wanted to change our fate. I placed the note in between Riley and I so she could read it more subtly than what she was trying to just now.

I noticed that as Riley read the note her face started to fall. Did she still like Mark? I felt bad, here I was going on about my relationship problems with the guy she likes. That must hurt.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She whispered. She wasn't, I knew she wasn't okay. I wouldn't be either if I was in her position.

"You can talk to me you know."

"I know, it's just difficult." She gave me a small smile before turning to her work for the rest of the lesson. I needed to talk to her, she needed to say what she was truly thinking. What she really thought of Mark and I. I thought she was okay with it since she asked to meet him as my boyfriend. But clearly she was doing what she thought was best for me, and in doing that she was hurting herself.

Now I had two relationships to fix. The one with my best friend, and the one with my boyfriend.

A/N- Does anyone else have a teacher who sometimes always talks to them and the next day ignores them?

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