Can't Catch A Break

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It was winter break. That meant that I was trapped in this place called 'Grandma's house.' While I liked my grandma, I did not in one bit like my cousins. With their sense of self-entitlement and posh voices, they weren't people I like to talk to on the regular. Christmas day alone was testing my will to live, and I tell you this I was scrapping the barrel for it when my youngest cousin declared, 'Oh mummy, look at this delightful knitted jumper Santa got me.' At that moment I realised I was adopted, as my whole family awed at the jumper 'Santa' made. Who gets that excited over a jumper from the local supermarket.

On this cold morning, I was wrapped in my blanket, refusing to get up until someone had put on the heating. Apparently, my whole family had turned into penguins overnight and couldn't feel the blistering cold. Riley still hadn't texted me, and that worried me. Usually, if we ever fought, which was rare, we would text each other in a matter of hours. I knew it was winter break and she would be busy but Christmas had passed, and it was now that stage between Christmas and New Years. The stage where you had nothing to do, except watch your newsfeed blow up of 'new year, new me' slogans, when you knew they'd be the same next year.

"Scarlett, the heating's on, can you please come down now?" My mom asked, appearing at the doorway of the room I was staying in.

"Are my cousins gone?"


"Do I have to then? Grandma and Grandad already have enough company, I'm sure they don't need another person trying to talk."

"They want you down. Your idea of socialising is saying hi then putting your earphones in."

"I still acknowledge them."

"Barely." I tried giving her the puppy dog eyes, so I could stay in my cave of warmth for a little longer. She knew I didn't want to be here. After a long discussion before Christmas, she told me, 'No you cannot hibernate like a bear, you need to be human and speak to people.' I reluctantly agreed though not without complaining the whole time she brought it up.

Still, in my pyjamas I trailed behind her, the voices of my relatives getting louder and louder. They were all sitting in the living room, while my grandma shouted through from the joining kitchen.

"Scarlett, you're finally up." My aunt said, as the rest of the family looked up. I gave a few smiles to the uncles and ignored the cousins, who just went back to the IPads which had educational games on them. I managed to squeeze into space next to my mom and the end of the sofa. As the conversation around me started up again I looked at my phone, hoping for a message from Riley. Still nothing. I sighed and decided to text Mark, to see if he was any more successful with his family life.


I looked around the big oak table that had somehow managed to fit all of us, as long as no one needed to move, we'd be fine. I had reluctantly got dressed, and as soon as my grandma had shouted that lunch was ready I was the first one at the table. I mean it was a buffet, I need to get the stuff before the children decide to take every last drop of one food, before deciding they didn't like it. Trust me, it's happened before. My mom gave me a disapproving look as I jumped out of my seat and ran to 'help' in the kitchen. Mark was seemingly having a better time than me. His cousins were older than him and had children of their own. Their children, however, were at the stage of cute but not annoying yet. Don't get me wrong, I love children, however when you're forced to spend two weeks with 'Winnie The Pooh' sounding ones, you don't.

I rested my head in my hands as I waited for everyone to sit down so we can start to eat. Staring at the deer that stood in the middle of the table I felt my phone buzz on my lap. I quickly went to check it.

It was from Riley. Instantly my heart started to beat faster and I didn't want to read the message. For once I was thankful when one of my aunts asked if I could move down one, as it gave me a few more seconds to brace myself for the incoming message.

My hand shaking, I slowly unlocked my phone and looked at my texts. Deep breaths. Why the hell was a text getting me this nervous?

'Call.' I knew from this message that she was still undecided but some part of her wanted to give me a chance. I quickly asked my mom if I could be excused, she knew about the whole situation and nodded her head, telling me good luck. Grabbing a brownie that was supposed to be for pudding I made my way to the back porch.

"Hello." She answered. That was something at least, wasn't it?

"Hey, you answered."

"Yeah well I thought it over..."

"And..." I interrupted.

"Jeez Scarlett, let me finish at least please."

"Sorry, I'm just nervous you know."

"Yeah." She took a deep breath before rambling. "I'm sorry for how I reacted and what I said about what I saw at the Christmas dance. It was just a shock you know. I never told you about my crush because I thought you'd think it's weird seeing as he's a teacher and 'older', though he can't be that much older if you're dating him. But it still hurt that you never told me you were dating him, I understand why you didn't though. I haven't told anyone, don't worry about that. What I'm trying to say is, you're my best friend Scarlett Miller and I can't lose you, especially over a boy. What do you say? Best friends?" I quickly swallowed the brownie before speaking.

"Of course we're best friends. Thank you, Riley, I mean it. For not telling anyone and for understanding. I know it must be hard for you, and I'll try to not make it weird."

"I know it may sound stupid but can you introduce me to him one day as Mark so I get to know him as your boyfriend, not as my science teacher."

"Yeah, I'd like that." I soon heard my mom shout through that my dinner was getting cold and I had to come back.

"I have to go. I'll speak to you soon?" I asked her.

"Yeah, bye, Scarlett." I hung up the phone, still slightly confused. Although she said she was fine, she still sounded a little sad, she would tell me if she wasn't completely over it. Wouldn't she? I shook my head, I didn't know, but at least we're speaking. That's something, right?

Just as I was feeling happier about the whole situation I got a text from Mark.

'I need to talk to you.' Well, that lasted two seconds.

A/N- How is tomorrow new years eve? Thank you for 20k by the way! This book is now being translated into Polish by tcjournal00

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