It's Not Just The Grinch That's Green

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"What the fuck is happening here?"
I quickly jump back to see Riley standing at the door. She looked mad, I mean really mad. I quickly looked to Mr Harris who's face went white.
"Riley." Shit. She stood at the doorway with her arms crossed.
"Want to explain Scarlett?" I was speechless. I didn't know how to explain why I was kissing my science teacher in the classroom during a school dance.
"I can explain." I stuttered.
"I'm waiting."
"Can you please come in and shut the door, no one else needs to know." Riley sighed and did what I asked. Sitting on a random desk near the teacher's desk she raised an eyebrow at us, 'patiently' waiting. How the hell do I explain what happened?!

"Erm, well.." I stuttered, looking to Mark for help. 

"First of all you have to know, Scarlett wanted to tell you, it was me that didn't let her. As her best friend she wanted you to know so don't get mad at her for that." Mark spoke, saving me from a part of her anger. 

"It would be easier if you asked questions, to be honest," I told her. I didn't know how to explain it all, so if she asked what she wanted to know, I knew at least I would be able to answer them. 

"When did it start?" I looked at Mark, he shrugged his shoulders. 

"About three months ago," I suggested. "I'm not really sure."


"How am I not sure or how did it start?"

"How did it start?"

"He had to tutor me and one thing led to another and he kissed me." 

"Do you love him, Scarlett?" She asked. I tried to watch her facial expression, something wasn't right. 

"Yes, I do." 

"And you sir?" She asked, facing Mark. Her eyes had changed. What was going on? 

"I guess I should be truthful, yes I do." Riley gave a short nod, before quickly turning on her heels and rushing out of the classroom. I got up from where I was positioned before running after her, ignoring the calls from Mark. 

"Riley!" I shout down the corridor. She ignores me as she walks out of the building. I slid down to the floor, I knew how much she was excited about this dance and I had managed to ruin it. Mr Harris didn't come out to see me as he knew the danger of getting caught was higher, especially if someone had heard Riley shout. Wiping my tears away I phoned my mom to come and get me. 


The snow crunched under my feet as I grasped my hot chocolate tighter trying to gain more warmth from the Starbucks cup I held in my hand. I could see her sitting on the bench already. She had her back facing me but I could tell she was staring into space. I had asked her to meet me. Reluctantly she agreed, I knew she wasn't sure how to take what she witnessed but I needed to know why she took it that hard. I quietly sat down on the frosty bench beside her. Taking a sip of my now lukewarm drink, I too stared straight ahead, waiting for her to speak the first words. 

"Why are we here?" She asked. I looked briefly at her, I was surprised those words were the first she had said.

"Because I know there's something bothering you about what you saw. Something more than what you're probably telling me." 

"I can't Scar." 

"Riley no matter what you'll always be my best friend."

"I was jealous." She mumbled. What?


"Did you not see the hints? I always noticed him in the crowds at the dances, I like him, Scarlett."

"Mr Harris?" I wasn't entirely shocked, I knew something like that might be happening but I guess I was too caught up in my own drama with him to see the signs. 

"Yes Scarlett, your precious Mark Harris. But I guess you got to him first."

"How long have you liked him?" 

"The whole year I suppose." Why did she never tell me, if she did things might have been different.

"Why didn't you tell me, Riley? We're best friends, we're supposed to tell each other everything." 

"I didn't tell you because I didn't think it would matter, and I saw how he looked at you when we stayed behind to ask him a question, I knew compared to you I had no chance." My heart dropped into my stomach. 

"Why didn't you tell me you two were dating? If you're such a big person on sharing secrets why didn't you tell me your biggest one?" I sighed, I had no other excuse other than I couldn't.

"I couldn't. Believe me, I wanted to but I could never find the right time or words." 

"What were you scared of?" She asked.

"I thought I would lose my best friend."

"Well, you might have already Scarlett." She said, slowly getting up. I looked up at her as she turned to face me. 

"Have a good Christmas Scarlett, I'll text you to let you know." I nodded understandingly. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I watch my best friend since age 5 walk away. What made it worse was she was walking away because of a decision I had made. 


"Merry Christmas!" Mark shouted as he opened the door, quickly letting me inside. It wasn't quite Christmas but it was the only time we were able to celebrate it together.  

"It's so cold outside," I complained as I shrugged off my coat and took off my boots. Mark chuckled as he studied me carefully. 

"How are you?" He asked slowly.

"I'm okay, she's not texted me, but I'll let her come 'round on her own terms." Mark nodded. I followed him through to the living room, his present under one arm. 

"Did she say why she was so mad?" He asked while tucking one leg under him so he could face me while sitting on the sofa. I nodded, saying thank you as he passed me a mug of hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. 

"She has a crush on you, Mark." Mark who was sipping his drink suddenly started to choke on his drink. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, just surprised." He assured me. Setting down his drink on the coffee table he got comfortable again. 

"She liked you, she's bound to find it difficult that her best friend is going out with her crush." 

"Did you know she liked me?" 

"No, she told me when we met at the park two days ago." Mark sighed, running his hand through his hair. He was clearly frustrated with himself. Probably blaming himself for a student having a crush on him and that student finding us kissing in his classroom.

"Let's move on. I have your present." Mark said, getting up and picking up a present from under the Christmas tree in the corner of the room. 

"You first." We both said. I giggled before giving him his present.

"Open it." I watched as he tore the wrapping paper off of the tube. I had got him a scratch map, where you scratch off where you've travelled too. From one of our late night talks, I had learned that he loved to travel and had already been to quite a few places. 

"I love it thank you Scar. Now open yours!" He grinned at me like a little child, impatiently waiting for me to see what he got me. I tore the paper to see a jewellery box. I opened it to see a silver heart locket, with a single diamond in the centre. 

"It's beautiful Mark." I smiled. 

"You like it?" He asked.

"I love it." He grinned at my response and brought me closer to him so he could clasp the necklace around my neck. I gently placed my lips on his. 

"Merry Christmas," I whispered. 

A/N- Merry Christmas!! We had a Christmas dance 3 days ago and the guy I like turned up wearing navy blue, just like the last chapter. 

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