I knew it

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"I hate you for doing that to me." I say to Mr Harris. We're sitting in his car near my house. After a few more hours with his family, I was worn out.

"Was it really that bad?"

""No, it was just a surprise that's all. Seeing your family was not what I expected when I knocked on the door."

"Trust me, I know. I forgot myself that my mom had planned to come over." I'm glad I wasn't the only one surprised by this meeting.

"I think the new boy next door to you is the same age as me."

"It should be fine, I bet he's a year older or so." He tried to assure me.

"What if he's not?"

"We'll cross that bridge when it comes. If it does." He smiled at me. "It'll be okay, I promise you." He lent foreward, taking my bottom lip in his. I kissed him back, running my hand through his hair. "I should go." I whispered as we broke apart, our foreheads just touching. "Four more months 'till graduation." He sighed.

"Four months. Then I can kiss you in public." He grinned.

"I can't wait." I kissed him on the cheek before opening the door. "Bye Sir."

"Bye Scarlett." I got out and waved as he drove away.

"Did you have fun?" Mom asked as I entered the kitchen.

"It was okay." She didn't know where I went but she knew it was someone's house.

"How come?"

"Spoke to their parents."

"Oh, tough. Be glad it's not a guy's parents." Coincidence much?

"What would you do if dad's parents didn't like you?" I asked, I know there was no proof that they didn't like me but still, not to early to ask.

"They didn't." She stated in a casual tone.


"They didn't like me at first, thought he could do better. His ex came from two lawyers and I came from a baker and a teacher. But once your dad showed how much he loved me they grew to accept me."

"Did you ever like a teacher?" I asked. Why the hell not? I don't think she'll suspect anything.

"Yes, my science teacher was hot."

"Anything happen?" She gave me a smirk and tapped her nose, telling me she wouldn't give it up easily.

"Mom." I groaned. "Tell me, it could help me with my situation!"

"First of all, what situation? Second, maybe a kiss behind the bleachers on graduation day."

"Aww, he waited that long. Thanks mom for the info." I said grabbing a store bought muffin from the basket on the counter. Turning to leave the kitchen I stopped in my tracks when she spoke again. "Hold it right there. What situation?" I turned to face her, giving her a shy smile.

"I may be in a relationship with my science teacher."

"Science teacher too huh? Like mother like daughter. What's he like?"

"You're not mad?" I asked, shocked.

"Honey, I would be contradicting myself if I was. You've not told me what he's like." She grinned at me.

"Really sweet and funny and hot but confusing and annoying and just ugh."

"Sounds like you've fallen hard." She smirked at me.

"He's Mr Harris."

"Oh him. If I was 20 years younger."

"Mom! Nope, never say that."

"Just speaking the truth honey." She winked at me. I shuddered as she laughed. "How is he confusing?"

"He kisses me then is annoyed the next lesson and takes it out on the class, then is really sweet and asks me out on a date."

"Sounds like he's battiling with himself more than you."

"What do you mean?"

"He wants to date you but he knows legally it's wrong and frowned upon but he can't help and want you."

"I don't know. He was being sweet today."

"Wait, was it his parents you met?"

"His mum, yeah."

"And? How'd it go?"

"It was okay. Nerve wraking. Mark and I never knew she would be here."

"Ooo Mark." She teased. I broke into a grin.

"Yeah, Mark. Anyway there's a new boy next door, he was at Mark's house and I think he;s going to be trouble, he looks around my age but we told them I was 22."

"That's going to make it more complicated, especially if you lied about you're age to his mom."

"I know." I groaned.


I walked into class, giving a small smile to Mr Harris.

"Hey." Riley said as I sat down next to her.


"There's a new kid. He's in my homeroom. He's supposed to be here but I don't know why he's not here."

"Maybe he got lost." I suggested. She shrugged.

"I don't know. He was cute though."

"Pounce on the new guy, really Riley?"

"He doesn't know any better." She chuckled. I turned to face her to say something when the door to the classroom opened and in walked the kid next door to Mr Harris. Shit. I can see Mr Harris' eyes widen as he looks over at me in panic. 'Told you.' I mouthed. He rolled his eyes before clearing his throat. "You must be new." He said, the whole class had turned silent and was now watching the front of the class.

"I am. I'm James."

"Everyone, this is James, he's new. Welcome him." I sank lower into my seat. "Why don't you go and find a seat." James turned to face the class, his eyes widened as he made eye contact with me. "22 huh." He smirked.

"James go and sit down." Mark growled.

The Jerk Of A Science TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now