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Mom was wrong. We didn't get married that year or the next. Four years down the line after I graduated university he asked. Right in front of the cafe on Valentine's Day. I, of course, said yes.

Now? Now I was 28.

"Can you believe it?" Mark asked. I looked over at him. He was in the kitchen trying to flip pancakes for breakfast at our son's request.

"I know. How is he already starting school?" I focused back tying Thomas' laces. "There you ready now?" He nodded, grinning showing the gap where a tooth should be. I stood up ruffling his hair before making my way next to Mark.

"You're failing at that." I joked. He raised an eyebrow at me before revealing the stack of chocolate chip pancakes next to the stove.

"What? When?"

"I just wanted to see you have a mom & son moment." I smiled at him before kissing him on the cheek, calling for our son.

"Come on, breakfast is ready."

"Chocolate chip?" He asked, eagerly looking at the stack. I nodded.

"Just as you requested."

"All of them for me?" Mark and I laughed as our son's eyes grew wider.

"I don't think you can manage that bud." Mark chuckled as he pulled me closer to him, kissing me on the forehead. I laughed as Thomas stuck his bottom lip out as I only gave him three pancakes, not that I think he could manage that. Mark and I sat beside him at the kitchen bar, facing the collage of pictures of Mark and I's world trip. I smiled at the memories of feeding elephants, visiting the Eiffel Tower and waking up seeing the Sydney Opera House. I looked over at Mark who was already staring at me, with a smile on his face.

'I love you.' He mouthed.

'I love you too.' I mouthed back, before focusing on Thomas who had finished his pancakes.

"You done, sweetie?" He nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Come on let's go." I picked up my car keys before, gathering my things.

"You missing something?" Mark asked as I was about to walk out of the kitchen.

"Oops." I giggled.

"Yeah, oops." He chuckled, as he placed his lips on mine. They never changed. The sparks were still the same from the first time we kissed to now.

"Mom!" Thomas shouted from the front door. I giggled as Mark placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you." He said as Thomas tried to pull me out the house. He was excited for the first day of school.

"I love you too!" I shouted as I left.


"I don't know how she puts up with you." I rolled my eyes as Sam talked about his latest drunk act, with his girlfriend.

"Trust me, I don't know either." I laughed as I wiped down the counter.

"Sam get to work. It is your cafe after all."

"Technically it's yours." The cafe? After the news of its closure reached Mark and I we decided to buy it. We had too many memories there for us to just let it go. Sam still worked here full time, and I worked part time as I had another job.

"I know, but it still feels like it should belong to you. You helped Mark and me from here. Remember all the conversations we had about Mark while you served me hot chocolate?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, you two were the most infuriating pair."

"We were young, and it was complicated."

"You're telling me." I laughed.


"I'm home!"

"Daddy!" Thomas squealed as he ran as best as he could to Mark. Hugging his knees, he welcomed him home.

"Hey bud, did you have a good first day at school?" Mark asked, bending down to get to Thomas' level. Thomas nodded eagerly, showing him a picture he painted that day. It was still slightly wet and he was getting some paint on Mark. Mark didn't care, though, his grin just got bigger and bigger as his son enthusiastically talked to him. I smiled at the interaction in front of me. Mark was the perfect father. He was so ecstatic when I told him I was pregnant. He was overprotective when we first found out, finally, I could convince him that I was fine.

When Thomas first arrived, Mark was the first one to hold him. There's a picture of him holding Thomas, with tears down his cheeks, on my dressing table.

"Scar! It's raining." Mark shouted, waking me from my daydream. I gave a smile, knowing what this meant. We had a tradition. Every time it rained, we would jump in a couple of puddles. It started in France and it continued through, even when we had Thomas. I giggled as Mark got more excited as I helped Thomas with his red wellies. Taking Thomas' hand I ran out after Mark. He happily jumped in every puddle he could find, lifting Thomas like an airplane as he told me to 'join him and stop taking pictures'. Running over I was suddenly wrapped up in Mark's arms. He must have looked so strange to strangers, in his suit and navy blue tie dancing in the rain. He lifted my chin up to look at him before placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"Right, time for hot chocolate. Come on you two."


"How is your hair still wet?" I laughed at Mark.

"Sshh." He whispered, placing a finger to his lips. "He's just off to sleep, I want to find out now."

"I'm nervous."

"It'll be fine. If not, we can try again."

I stepped into the bathroom, leaving him in our bedroom, anxiously waiting. Every few seconds he'd ask how long till the results. Three minutes had finally passed. I took a deep breath before looking down at the test.

Two lines. I was pregnant. I slowly opened the bathroom door, trying to keep a straight face. Mark quickly looked up.

"Well?" He asked. I broke into a grin.

"I'm pregnant!" I laughed as he picked me up and twirled me around. Finally placing me down, looking straight into my eyes, the happiest look on his face.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

To this day I still couldn't believe how far we'd come. I had the perfect husband and the perfect son, and now I had another on the way. I smiled at Mark before placing my lips on his.

"Who knew it would be like this Mr Harris?" I asked him, using the name I hadn't called him by in years. He grinned back, almost in disbelief.

"Who knew Scarlett Harris."

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