Part 2: Until My Breathing Stops

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It was strange to me how Octavian knew where Will worked. The only way he could have found out was if someone we knew told him.

I pushed all the bad thoughts away as much as I could. He can only take Dan if he knew where we lived and he is definitely not getting our address.


Dan looked excited when we picked him up.

"Dada! Daddy! I made a friend!" Will smiled slightly and helped Dan into the car.

"What's their name?" He asked.

"Philip! But I call him Phil. Do you knowed that hippo milk is pink? Phil says that. He says he reads it from a book." Dan rambled on about Phil on the way to the park.

"Guess where we're going, Dan." I said as Will got in the car.

"Park!" He replied.

"And ice cream." Will added.

Dan smiled wider than he already was.



Dan was sitting by the small pond, eating his ice cream. Will had pointed out that there was a turtle somewhere in the water and Dan made it his duty to find it.

Will and I were seated on a bench near him.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Will held my hand in his. "If Octavian try's to take Dan- what would this do to us?"

I gave his hand an assuring squeeze. "I don't know. And I don't ever want to imagine about what could happen." I rested my head on his shoulder. "What do you think?"

"I'm not sure, either." Will moved his head so he could look at me. "It just scares me, you know? Like, I feel like I'm at the top of the world with you and Dan, and knowing that someone could change that scares the hell out of me."

"It scares me too." I said in a soft voice. "It really does."


No more goals cause I'm obviously never going to reach them.
This is the shortest chapter ever.
But there will be muy drama in the next chapter.
Let me just say, I hope you don't mind wanting to kill Asstavian again.

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