Part 10.2) I just can't

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((((((Nico's P.O.V))))))

"Dan, Phil is here, do you want to say hi?" Dan started dashing to the door and flung it open.

"Phil!" Dan hugged him and the biggest smile was on his face. "I have games! Let's play!"

I watched Phil and Dan run to the backyard.

I thanked Phil's parents and asked if they'd like to stay for a while. They politely declined.

Hazel came over earlier this morning when I told her about what happened with Will. She didn't take it well.

I don't want to think about that now, I have to be happy for Dan. No negative thoughts. Get lost in mindless conversation.

And that's exactly what I did.

Everyone was doing great. I refilled empty wine glasses and Dan was playing with all his friends on the crafts table. Everyone was here and it was perfect... until the door bell rang.

Dan's head immediately perked up and he ran to the door before I could stop him.

"Daddy!" I heard him shout.

Will walked in with Dan on his side and a guilty smile at his lips. He announced, "Sorry about being late," and set Dan down.

I stayed frozen in my spot the the couch. Hazel was next to me giving me a look that screamed sort this through.

I tried to stand. I couldn't.

"Does anyone want any more drinks?" I asked and shuffled to the kitchen after everyone said no. Will walked in after me and he started to talk.

"Neeks, I'm-"

"I don't want to hear it, Will. It's Dan's birthday today, guests are over. Let's just talk later, please." I rushed out every word. Will's jaw was slack and he was blinking faster than I could register.

"O-okay." He took a deep breath and turned away.

"I know there was a reason, there has to be. You wouldn't do that, you're not like that..." I watched his shoulders square up and he walked out of the kitchen. "I think..."


The clean up after the party ended was awkward. I picked up plates and glasses silently until there was nothing left to clean. I knew I was avoiding Will. I didn't want to talk to him, but I knew I had to. Dan was asleep in his room. He had a sugar high and crashed two minutes after everyone left. I was glad he did, he wouldn't have to hear us talking.

Will also picked up trash and cleaned a few dishes, but didn't try to start a conversation. We were finished with everything before I spoke a word to him.

"Please tell me what's going on." I sat in the seat next to him and he looked at me.

"I messed up," was the first thing he told me. I knew he did. "I knew I should've told you what happened, but I didn't and I'm really sorry for that."

I didn't say anything and just pressed my lips together.

"I'm not cheating on you, I swear, I... fuck, I don't know how to say this." I bit my tongue before I could say a snarky remark. I need to listen to his side of the story.

"It's about Octavian. He started telling me things, bad and very untrue things. He found out my phone number, and I know I should have told you once I got the first text, but I couldn't believe what he was saying. He told me... he told me he has my sister." I stared at him.

What the fuck! Does he think I'm buying this shit? I talked to Jenna today, he does not 'have his sister'.

"And not Jenna," he winced at my glare. "I have- had- another sister. Her name's Sidney. I never told you about her 'cause it's hard to talk about. She was the oldest and my Mom's favorite. Everything was fine until one day she didn't come home from work. We looked every where and had an entire investigation that involved the police and private investigators but we couldn't find her; It was like she disappeared.

"Octavian appeared into my life a week after she left and, in a messed up way, helped me. And you know what happened when I was with him and you came along and I was happy and them Octavian comes and tells me he has my sister. A sister I haven't seen in almost 8 years. I wanted to get her back but he had all these conditions and would make me meet him places or talk to me and he wouldn't say anything about Sidney. I started doubting him, I now realize that trusting him at all was mistake. I tried to stop meeting with him until he said that he'd bring Dan into it.

"I couldn't let that happen again so I meet with him. I don't want to tell you I was meeting with him because then you'd get worried, and I don't want you to get worried so I didn't say anything. You also would've been extremely mad if you found out that he was threatening to bring Dan into it and I can't deal with you being mad. Well, you're already mad now that I'm telling you this after a month but-"

Will was rambling and I couldn't think of anything to say or do. Octavian had been talking to him for months and he just tells me now? I don't know if I should believe him. Will is a very gullible person so I know that he wasn't really thinking when Octavian said he had his sister, but it's still hard to understand. Why wouldn't he tell me? I get how he doesn't like me being worried or mad, but it's better if he tells me immediately rather than a month after.

"Why?" I ask. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Will looked down. "B-Because I knew that you'd be mad and I don't want you to be upset. It gets me anxious."

I didn't want to pull the "I'm not mad, just disappointed" Line because I'm not really disappointed. I'm hurt he doesn't trust me enough to tell me things as serious as this.

"I'm just, hurt that you didn't tell me about it. Don't you trust me? Did you tell anyone or have you just kept it to yourself the entire time?" I asked.

"I do trust you! I really do! I've just kept it to myself. I thought I could deal with it. I didn't think he'd start to threaten." after he finished talking I hugged him. 

He's scared of me getting mad. Fuck, why did he have to know Octavian at all? Octavian shouldn't have the right to make Will feel like this even after he's out of the abusive environment. He's scared of me because of Octavian. I get that now.

"You can tell me anything, no matter how big or small of a deal it is. I'll never be mad at you for something you can't control." I whispered into his ear. "I think you're forgetting that we're married. " He slightly laughed and I smiled. "If you talk to me and we can sort it out. Even if it's that you've murdered someone. You haven't murdered someone, right?"

Will actually laughed and breathed out  a"No." I could feel the breath on my neck.

"I love you." He said after kissing my cheek. "I promise that'll never keep a secret from you again."

"I love you too."


Comment "Fuck you" here if you hate me for ending this fic horribly.

It's unedited and shit but it's pretty decent compared to my original plan for it.

I love ya'll.

But you should still comment Fuck You.

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