Part 7) Turn Back Time

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QOTC: Favorite color?

AOTC: Blue.

I'm trying to learn how to draw well so you guys get a shaded Nico, Will and Jenna.

Imma give you fluffy because I feel bad.

Let's just completely time skip to after Nico finds out about Dan 'cause that would just kill you more.

Nicos P.O.V

"Will," I knocked on our bedroom door and pushed it open. "Dan made you something to eat."

"It's macs 'n' cheese!" Dan whisper shouted next to me. "It'll make you happy. Dada says that. I gives you the Sponge Bob ones." Dan walked to the side of the bed where Will was starting to sit up.

"Thanks, Bear." Will said in a raspy voice. I knew he had been crying before we came in. Will was bundled in blankets sitting and Dan was pushing a bowl of Mac 'n' cheese towards him.

Dan watched with wide eyes as Will took the bowl and take a bite of the food. "Do you like it?" Dan asked in a soft voice.

"It tastes great, Dan. You did a good job." Dan's eyes beamed when he heard that.

"Really?" Dan asked. Will nodded. "Thanks Daddy! Dada helped me make it too!" Dan said excitedly. "He puts the water on the pan!"

I gave a small chuckle and sat down next to Will. "Well, then thank-you too, Neeks." Will smiled in my direction.

Is wild hair stuck out in every direction. I tried to flatten it down as much as I could and pushed it out of his face. I lightly kissed his lips and heard an 'eww' from behind me.

"That's yucky!" Dan made a face then stared at us excitedly. "Can we watch a movie?"

"Sure, Dan." Will laughed. "Do you need help picking one out?"

"Nope!" Dan said and I watched with a smile as he ran out the room.

"Neeks." Will said.

"Yeah, Will." I looked over at him.

"I need to tell you something."He looked at his hand in his lap and I saw his mouth opening and closing before he started rambling. "it's very important because it'll affect us a lot and I don't know how to exactly say it clearly. Well, I know what I need to say but I just don't know how to say it in a good way because it's not a good thing. I really want to tell you because I need to but I don't and it's crazy that I don't but I feel like is not the time to say it and it'll just ruin the movie and it's a huge mess in my head-"

"Hey, babe," he turned his head up to look at me. "You don't have yo tell me now. You don't seem very comfortable right now. I want you to be able to tell me what it is easily and I want you to feel comfortable while you tell me. Just tell me when you want to and not when you feel like you need to."

"O-okay," he said and we sat there quietly for a moment.

"I love you," I suddenly said. "You now that, right."

"Of course I do, and I love you too." I smiled at him and held on to his hand. 




What do you think Will wants to tell Nico?

Do you think it has anything to do with the envelope Asstavian gave him?

Find out next time on Operation Solangelo

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