Chapter 2

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Tessa's P.o.v

I wake in peace, with Will's arms carefully wrapped over my waist, in a protecting and loving matter. I smile at the thought of what happened yesterday.

Yesterday, was the greatest day of my life, for yesterday I married Will Herondale, the somewhat adorable and handsome shadowhunter, and I found out that I was pregnant. Now, I shall be the first worlock ever to bear a child, and one with a shadowhunter, and to be part shadowhunter myself, yet some demon too.

Still, I am having a baby, with my husband. With Will Herondale. Tessa Herondale. Still new to the sound of it, and already loving it. I stare at Will, as he sleeps in peace. He looks so much younger, the lines of pain and hardship clean off his face, making him look like an innocent child. He has his black hair spread out across his head in random, curly directions. The way his mouth presses into a soft, harmless firm line, how his beautiful blue eyes hidden behind the skin that covers them.

I sit up, not too far up, for I don't want Will to wake, but enough to see more of him, to feel more of him. His strong arms, wrapped delicately around me, as if I am a piece of china. For his skin looks like a tan slate of marble, strong yet beautiful. I place his one hand that is on the top of my waist, on my stomach, to see what our baby, and Will would think. As Will has his sleepily hand over my stomach, I place my hand in Will's hair, and twirl the curls in between my fingers.

Then I feel it, a slight kick, a little movement inside my stomach. Will must have fat it to because his eyes, slowly open up, and fill my sight with the darkness of blue.

"Tess, what's wrong?" He asks, looking concerned, and I giggle at him, for he hasn't seen where his hand is.

I place my hand that was in his hair, on my stomach right on top of his, and he then feels his hand, and get's a shocked expression, a loving one with his eyes filled with adore.

"Did you feel it?" I ask him quietly and Will nods, a slow nod, as if the child is here and any fast movement seen will have a crying fest start.

"Was that-- was that a kick?" Will asks, and I nod. This is proff, proff for sure that I have a child in me. For this is one thing I have always wanted in life, to be with the man I love, and to bear a child with that man, for we our forever bonded together.

Will moved his head towards mine, and places a soft, gentle kiss on my forehead. I sigh as he did so, as if his touch is needed on my skin, and when it touched by him, I will burn out into him, large amounts or small. "We should head to breakfast, who knows when everyone will leave." And with that, we get out of bed, and start to get ready for our breakfast.

I place the corset on, finally able to do it perfectly on my own, and I get a light blue dress in my closet, that ends right after my ancles, lightly hitting my black walking shoe's as I walk in it . I trun around to see Will, in a black over coat, a white shirt, and black pants staring at me.

"Like what you see?" I ask him, and he nods, which makes me laugh at how he's acting. I take his arm, and we walk to breakfast together.

At breakfast, it is Charlotte and Henrys last day here, for they are going back to Idris, then Will's parents have to leave today, so Cecily, Gabriel, Gideon and Sophie are staying to help me in pregnancy, and so Will and I aren't alone right now.

Mrs and Mr Herondale will be leaving back to the Ravenscar manor, and we will visit them this weekend, for now we want to spend the time we have left with Charlotte and Henry.

So we eat our breakfast in quietness, for we are just enjoying the company of each other's presents. I look over at Will next to me, and I grab his hand, feeling the rough and soft parts of it, how graceful and loving he is.

When breakfast is over, we bid goodbye to Will and Cecily's parents, walk them out, and meet in the library, to see what we want to do with our last day with Charlotte and Henry.

Will and I walk into the library and the frist thing I hear is "Tessa and Will would love that!" Coming from a voice that sounds like Cecily.

I giggle at that and Will grins. "What would we love?" Will asks then.

They all trun and look at us, with big eyes. "What of it did you hear?" Sophie asked.

"All we heard was Cecily say "Tessa and Will would love that!" What would we love?" I ask, and Will grins even bigger.

"Tessa, that's the most sarcasm I ever heard you speak. I must be rubbing off on you." Will says sarcastically and his gives me a small kiss on my cheek, and I giggle some more a blush a bit. Everyone looks at us like we're the most precious things.

"You two are adorable!" Cecily tell us in the library with her eyes almost glowing for how big they seem to get.

"What would we do my love?" Will repeats ne, not saying anything to what Cecily said.

"That was for us to plan, which by the way, we did. And for you to find out." Gabriel says, as Will and himself are glaring at each other. I poke Will's side so he stops and he lowers his glare, to where it is just a normal glance.

"You two should be better at getting along." Cecily says, as I nod with her.

"Anyway, we have stuff to do today." Sophie says, and Bridget shoves us out of the the library, with everone following.

We bid goodbye to Bridget, telling her we shall only be gone a few hours, and thanking her for watching little Charles. Then we are out on the streets of london.

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