Chapter 3

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Will's P.o.v

We are out in the London streets, as I have one hand one Tessa's waist, and one on her stomach, getting some glares from women and men, and I gladly return the glare.

As we walk a little but away from the Institute, Cecily says "Were going baby shopping! We only have four months left!" So we're off on the streets of london going shopping, great.

We get into one store and it has baby clothes to young children, around the age of 2-4. Everyone goes to the back of the store, to where the baby clothes are.

Everyone picks out blue one pieces. Tessa comes over to me, and holds a light blue one, it has little gold lining around the head hole, and arm sleeves.

"What do you think?" She says as she holds it up.

"I like it, he should look very dashing in it." I tell her and she kisses my cheek, and we all pay for the three bags of baby clothes.

We leave the store and Cecily says "Now time to grab food." So we head to a market.

As we walk to the market, we see all the mundane londoners, walking in ethier over large dresses, or too fancy suits.

We finally get to the market, and we ask for baby food. A women stares at me like I was a meal, and walks towards me.

"Hey cutie." She tells me, batting her slowly. She must be a prostitute, or something because normal girls don't 'flirt' like that.

"I'm married." I tell her, and she gets a small grin on her face. Tessa, right next to me, looks like she would kill the women.

"She doesn't have to know." The women says, trying to be sneaky, yet failing.

"Actully she does. She's right here. Now I suggest you leave my husband alone, for I do not wish to be in your presence agian. I hope you have a wonderful day, goodbye now." Tessa says, and I put my arms around her, as she gides me towards the others.

"Thank you." I wisper in her her, she smiles, and says "I don't like the way she talked and looked at you." And starts to blush. "No worries, I didn't ethier." I tell her, and she relax into my arms, feeling less stiff.

We go over to a little shack and find glass jars full of mush, much 'food' like.

"Hey, this is baby food right?" Sophie asks, and Charlotte nods. We walk up to the women and man running the shack and ask for whatever food, for we said it didn't matter which.

The man gives up 10 little jars of food, and we place them in a bag. It starts to become night and we walk back to the Institute.

As we walk, I cheek my blades, Charlotte pushes Henry in his wheeled chair, Cecily and Gabriel are holding hands much to my distaste, Sophie and Gideon are having a polite talk about what these buildings are in london, and I am helping Tessa carry the bags, with me holding most, after I placed my blade back into it's holder.

Then I see it, the demon, a Kuri demon. I grab out my blade, as Henry, Sophie, Charlotte, Gideon, Cecilg, Gabriel, and do as well. The Kuri comes at us, walking slowly with its spider like legs. As it walks towards us, I see Gideon and Gabriel go behind the demon, and the name there blades. You hear the murmur, of angel names, and see a blinding light shine. I name my blade, and I charge at he demon, forgetting everything except Tessa, the demon and me. I charge at it, as does the lightworms, and we start slashing the Kuri, almost like we're panting, for the delicate look a red comes out from the black. The fangs in the eye sockets are coming out more, so I raise my blade to it's 'face' and start almost carving into it. I manged to chip the teeth, and the you see the light go through the demon, and it disappears, leaving black dust falling to the ground.

I trun around to make sure everyone's okay, for we wanted to protect our wives, we handled this battle. I look and I see everyone, then I notice I can't see Tessa.

"Where's Tessa!?" I shout at them, and I turn and see Henry with Tessa on his lap, as he rips his shirt, and uses it as a bandage for Tessa's arm. We are only two streets away from the Institute, so I tell them "thank you", and run the the Institute.

When I rush in the Institute, I see Bridget coming to the front doors, and looks stuned. "What happened?" She asks in the same voice of concern and care that I feel.

"All I know is that she got hit by the demon, or something like that, for she has demon blood on her arm, and it's burning her. Get the silent brothers!" I tell her, and she does.

As Bridget runs to go call the brothers, already knowing to ask for brother Zachariah, I run Tess to the infirmary.

Our infirmary has twenty empty beds here, so I place Tessa on one right next to the door, I grab a stool, and place it next to her.

I grab her hand, and hold her delicate ones in mine. Then I do something I told myself not to, I cried. I cried to make sure Tessa would be okay, and I cried for our baby to be okay.

Normally, didn't poison doesn't upset me, less make me cry, but if something happens to Tessa, I don't know what I would do. She's my life, without her, I would go to the silent brothers, for I don't want to be in the world the way it was without Tessa and Jem by my sode, for I already lost one, I don't want to loss two. (*the baby and Tessa*)

"I'm so sorry, Tess." I cry to her, and I feel her grip tighten on mine, and I look up to see she's staring at me, then she puts her fingers in my hair, playing with it. I somehow was able to smile at her, and ask her in a soft voice "What happened?".

She looks at me, with no tears in her eyes, just her calm, loving eyes, and says in her sweet voice "The demon was about to get to you and the others boys, so I didn't have time to say anything, so I lit my blade, and stabbed it, but the ink of sink must have cough a hold of me. I'm sorry Will, but I can't have anything happen to you." She says, with a few tears down her face.

"I just don't want to loose the in in love. Also we've only been married a day." I say the last part with a small grin, still with tears, but there lessing.

"I do want more time to be married than one day." Tess says, faking a 'thinking' look, and I laugh.

"I love you Tess." I tell her.

"I love you too Will." She says, and I carefully place my hand under her chin, and brig out tear faces up, and I kiss her. I kiss her with love, passion, and fear. I think she does the same, for this kiss has a small bit of hunger in it as well. I was busy kissing Tessa, that I didn't notice anyone came in to the room, until a hand was on my sholder.

Then I notice Jem, and I start to blush, for I kissed Tessa in front of him.
"Sorry." I tell him.

"Will, it's fine. You guys are married, and are bearing a child. Kissing is fine. Plus, it's nice you to have each other." James says in my mind.

"Thank you, James." I tell him.

"No problem William, will you please leave for a second though. I have to get the demon poison out of her arm."

And with that I leave. I go to Tessa's and I's room, and pull out Tessa favorite book. 'A Tale of Two Cities.' And start to read, I read and I remember how I read to Tessa, and how her head curls into my arm, perfectly fitting, then how she finally rests her head on my shoulder, for also wanting to see the book, and can't dicide where to place her head. As I would read to her, I would always place my finger, and twist her brown locks in between them. I don't know how much time has passed, but soon Jem comes in, and tells me that I can see her.

I run to the Infirmary, like a child running in Christmas morning to go get there presents.

When I get there I see Tessa sleeping and Jem's comes to me, and says "Tessa and your child will be okay. She is just sleeping, you may take her to your room."

Then I thank Jem,tell him good night, and take Tessa to our room, I place her into her nightgown, and set her onto our bed.

I get in sleepwear, turn the lamps off, and come back in bed with Tessa, golding as she sleeps, and ryb my hand on her stomach, to try to sooth our baby, to let him know I'm hear for him, and his mommy.

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