Chapter 4

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Tessa's P.o.v

I wake up in Will's arm, with him in his sleepwear placed on messily, shirt buttons in the wrong hold, and pants on backwards, I leave a small chuckle. Then I notice, that I'm not in my gown and corset. I blush at the though of Will dressing me.

All of a sudden last night's events come back at me. We all went out to go get things for Will and I's baby, food and clothes, as we weren't that far from the Institute, I saved Will, Gideon and Gabriel from a Kuri demon, got demon poison on my arm, Will sobbing, Jem helping me, and Will caring me to bed.

I just smile at the though of our baby being okay, how Jem helped us, and how Will would do anything to protect us.

I kiss Will on the head, and open his shirt bottoms. As his chest is bare, I rub my fingers along the line of his abs, feeling the muscles, I trace his abs, his arms, his face. If only I could draw, I would try to draw every perfect angle of him, yet it could never show his true beauty.

Will's eyes flutter, trying not to open, but he must have given up, for he opens his dark blue eyes, and smiles at me. Then Will looks down at his unbuttoned shirt, and his warm smile turns into a evil grin.

"So, what happened here Tess?" Will says, wiggling his eyebrows at me, which causes me to laugh at how he's acting.

"I don't know what happened, why don't you show me." I say, shocking Will and I both, for he stares at me stunned, but kisses me.

The kiss is slow, each of us taking breaths, moving our hands in each others hair, memorizing each other. Will kisses, not hard, but full of passion. His kisses are full of love, he kisses my mouth, then slowly leaves a trail of kisses down my neck. I run my fingers on his stomach agian, letting the sweat drip on my fingers, I trace the star on his shoulder, as Will starts taking off my gown.

When the gown is off, I'm left naked, with Will staring at me like I'm the most precious thing in the world.

"Tess." He wispers, and he places his fingers on my stomach, kissing my neck at times. "Will." I wisper back, a bit after. Then he goes to my lips and kisses them.

All of sudden, there's the sound of the door creaking open, and Will grabs the blanket, and places it on top of him, as he covers himself with me so no one will see me. Then I see Magnus walk into the run, and right when he see's us, he puts his left hand in his head, and the right on his stomach as starts laughing.

Will starts blushing and shouts "Why do you keep doing this to us!" which gets Magus laughing harder, leaving both Will and I to blush. Then you hear the door open more, then Cecily and Gabriel walk in, soon laughing like Magus, except there both blushing as they laugh.

"What was going on in here?" Gabriel asks as his and the rest of laughter dies down, which leads to everyone blushing.

"None of your business Lightworm."
Will tells him.

"Please leave." I wisper to them, then they stare at me.

"May you leave us?" Will asks, more like shouting 'I'm getting very irritated, leave now!' But somewhat more polite.

Then with that, they slowly leave our room.

"By the angel." I say, breathless when it's only Will and I in the room.

"I know, Tessa. Who would barge in on us like that? I can't believe it..." Will wispers, trying to be calm but failing.

"It's fine Will. I mean, they know I'm pregnant, and this is how you get pregnant." I tell him, then he calms down and smiles.

"Shall we get dressed?" I ask, and he nods.

I get in a white corset and panty hoes, and I place a yellow gown on, like the one Jessie gave me, but able to fit a pregnant women (even though I don't show, just preparing) and I get my hair brush and starting getting out all my tangles. Once there all gone, I place my hair in a French braid. When I an finished I see Will In a white dress shirt, and brown slacks.

Will holds put his elbow, and I connect mine inside, linking out arms, and we walk to the dinning hall for breakfast.

Will and I blush when we see everyone stare at us when we walk in. We find to seats next to each other, and Cecily speaks up frist. "How are you guys?" She says with a smirk.

"We are fine dear Cecily." I tell her, Will and blush as I anwer.

"Are you sure?" Gabriel asks, and Will says "Yes Lightworm, we are fine."

Charlotte, Henry, Gideon and Sophie look confused as Gabriel, Cecily and Magnus are smirking at us, than Magnus says, "I shall tell you what happened" with a grin.

"I caught Will and Tessa have love agian, and soon Gabriel and Cecily show up." Magnus says shorting what happened.

"Agian?!" Everyone shouts.

"Okay, no more talking about this please." I say, and they all nod, and continue eating their toast, and I sip a drink of tea, and lay my head on Will's shoulder.

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