Chapter 3

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Okay! This dedication goes to my lovely friend, who I technically dragged onto here because- well- she needed to! She is ‘tutoring’ me, and she probably has been the most inspirational person, her writing is amazing. (Just don’t ask me when she plans to um… WRITE A STORY. I’m waiting too! Lol)

So, thanks for being my tutor ;3!

            I didn’t think that Monday morning would come as fast as it did. My weekend had flown by, and now I was dragging myself out of bed to get dressed and got to school. I had never actually worn makeup, so I was able to cut my alarm clock later than most girls, as all I usually did was fix my hair and throw on some clothes. Those were the main things of course, not counting eating, brushing teeth, and nearly falling back asleep lazily on the couch.

            Once I was done with that, I snatched my purse and began to head outside towards my Jeep Wrangler. I had to admit, during the summer it was nice to drive with its top off… though during the winter that was another story.

            For today, I gladly kept the black top on the car, keeping it nice and warm inside. The color was black, also, so therefore it kept warm if the sun stayed outside and heated it up. Although today was a gloomy day, the thick clouds floating in the sky and keeping the sun from shining brightly down on us. I silently wondered to myself if it would rain today with this weather.

            It didn’t take long to get to school, and I proudly parked in the senior section of the parking lot. I hoped out of my car, yanking my rather large- and heavy- purse from the passenger seat. It had my books, clothes for gym class, laptop, and even my lunch. My friends had become convinced that my purse came from the movie Mary Poppins with the amount of objects I could fit inside of it.

            I scurried inside and passed my locker up, going straight towards the science lab where I had AP Biology. There were mostly seniors in this class, although three juniors had recently joined us. We had been doing a project dealing with weed growth, but then the Christmas holidays showed up and no one had been able to turn on the light or give out plants water, so we returned to dead plants and had to start over.

            So far the seeds have sprouted from the soil, and the buds on the tips of indicated soon they were to bloom completely. Every day we were to write a paragraph on the progress of our plants, commonly including their height and direction it was leaning towards, so today I began right away, writing down as much as I could once the tardy bell rang.

            “If they didn’t get in here by then it’s their fault,” said Mrs. Ronda from the front of the class room. She didn’t seem to be a teacher, a snarky smile on her face as she sat down. She was wearing a green flannel shirt with blue skinny jeans. It suited her, as she was very tall and thin, though she had definitely aged and even her shorter hair couldn’t help her out. Everyone laughed as a boy scrambled in tardy, and she teased him about it.

            Roll call began, and soon we realized everyone was here and Mrs. Ronda stood up with sheets of paper in her hands; “Okay, before we begin I would like to pass these out. It’s a form for a field trip this Thursday to Bridgemont. If you plan to go, make sure you turn it in by Wednesday so we know for sure,” Mrs. Ronda explained as she slipped a sheet of paper to each student.

            I took it curiously, reading over it lightly. Bridgemont was one of the best colleges in the state, and a lot of very well-known students attended there. I had never fancied going there, though I figured joining in on the trip would just be an experience for me to try- see if maybe this college would be better for me than Frestrone. I took the slip of paper and quickly tucked it into my binder, deciding I’d see how it goes.

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