Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to a close friend, and this is the final dedication- trust me lol. This dedication goes to my close friend, _CookieDoughMonster_. We have done so much together and been through a lot. Even when you quit Howrse you and I continued communication on here. I don’t want to stop that :3.

I love you so much girly ^^. ~Ash.


ALSO! An idea of how Tobias looks like is to the side =>

Not an exact picture of how he looks like, but it’s an idea, and may help some of you.




                I love being rich.

                I was pretty positive I told myself that every morning when I walked into my bathroom and looked into the grand mirror, the marbled counter top and beautiful scenery of my room was amazing. I couldn’t wipe of my grin as I began to brush my teeth, although they were perfectly white as I get them cleaned a lot to ensure they are sparkly white. I was being watched all the time, by all sorts of people, so of course I had to look my best. Being one of the youngest and most eligible bachelors, I had to be prepared for everything life would throw at me.

                And I was now Alpha of the Romaino pack.

                Most would say being alpha isn’t what it was all set out to be- but it was. I had the power and control, and now the ladies threw themselves even more at me just in hopes I’d choose them as my mate, as the whole pack knew I hadn’t found my actual partner yet- and I was pretty sure she was on the other side of the world. I didn’t believe in what the old wise woman said about my mate presenting herself when I’d least expect it- I was twenty-four now, wouldn’t she have shown up by now? I believe so.

I hadn’t made any specific new sets of rules for the pack like my father, the last pack alpha male, had done. He was bothering me about it, how I should keep some of his rules and create some news ones, and I should start ‘laying down the law’ and proving I wasn’t the alpha just because... although I was. Since the day I was born I was going to be alpha male, and my father never completely raised me to be the alpha, so now I was trying to figure out how I planned to run this pack my way, not his. Maybe some would say I was stubborn, I would say I’m just smart. I knew if I kept following rules my own father made, I would still be considered under his rule also.

I had been warned a week ahead of time about that one high school coming for some sort of tour. I had pondered day and night what I planned to do- use that day for the pack or actually make an appearance at school. It was definitely a hard decision, as I really didn’t want to have to deal with a bunch of teenagers.  I know it was seniors and juniors, but they still were immature- I remembered my junior and senior years in high school. Now I had matured a bit more, and I was more sophisticated- for say.

I may not be the mature man ever, but I remembered high school clearly. It had been beyond insane, almost unreal. I still wondered how I got out of there with my title kept clean. Now I put that behind me… my past is my past and I was going to keep it that way, away from the pack’s knowledge- and my father’s.

“You goin’ to school today, son?”

I jumped out of my skin, whipping around to see my father, Nicolai, standing in the doorway of my bathroom. His cold green eyes showed some strong authority, but now I daringly gave him the same look. Normally I would have hoped I wasn’t talking to myself, but now I was ready to fight back.

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