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Third Person's POV

Choa went home later that night disappointed. She was beyond angry when Hani didn't let her inside their house. She immediately called Yura to tell her what happened and plan something new because the "picturing of the house" plan failed.

*ring ring*

"Yura! Failed!" She exclaimed angrily.

"What? Why? How?" Yura bombarded and sighed.

All this time, Yura had been annoyed by all of Choa's shit. She didn't want any of this to happen. Especially, this plan is so dangerous. She didn't agree on this on the first place. But, her family's company is under Choa's family company. So if she backs out. Her family's company has a possibility of being ruined.

"She didn't let me in!" Choa exclaimed. This time, Yura sighed hardly.

"Choa, I'm tired today. Can't we just think tomorrow? It's damn late, we still have classes tomorrow. I need to sleep too." She said, annoyance is visible on her tone.

"What the hell, Yura?! No! We don't have time! I need to start tomorrow!" Choa shouted.

Yura abruptly ended the call. She can't think straight right now. She was so pissed off by Choa's action. She was done. She's full.

"Shit! What happened to her?! Why is she acting like that?!" Choa exclaimed and threw her phone across the room.

Yura's action made her nonplussed, she was very confused.

"Young lady, your mom, Mrs. Kang arrived." The maid knocked on her door. Choa hissed, hearing her stepmom's name now with her family's surname.

"Not coming!" Choa shouted and went inside the bathroom inside her room. She locked the door on her bathroom and sat down on the toilet's cover.

"I'm not yet done with them. They'll experience the pain I've suffered through the past years. Losing a mother, having a broken family, because of their shitty companies! And how dare they call me slut and humiliate me? I'll get my revenge." She said to herself while looking at the mirror. This time, she was so determined to do something. She was so sure.

She was blinded by anger.

-flashback;4 years ago-

"Honey, have you contacted the Kim's?" Choa's real mother asked Mr. Kang, her father.

"Yes. I've contacted them, even the Jung's, Goo's, and Song's. They've agreed to the plan actually." Mr. Kang explained to Choa's mother, Mrs. Cho Na Kang. "And honey, this meeting is so important. We're going to meet the top 1 CEO's. And also the top companies. Of course, we're included. *chuckles* so, we don't want to get late, right?" He continued.

"Of course! That's the Kim's! I promise, we won't be late now. I hope. *laughs.*" Mrs. Kang exclaimed. This opportunity is so good for their failing facilities on their company.

"Okay, you can use your car, if you want." Mr. Kang stated as he answered a phone call.

"Great. I need to talk to Choa first." Mrs. Kang said as she went to her daughter's room.

"Dear, can I come inside?" Her mother knocked and said sweetly.

"Ne, eomma~" Choa replied.

Her mother opened the door, seeing her daughter this happy, was so priceless for her. It is her daughter. Her daughter who has a fun and bubbly personality and to top all of that, she's so pretty.

"Choa, we're going to the salon and dress shop today." Her mother said happily.

"Yes! Finally, eomma! Oh.. wait. Why is that?" Choa asked as she brushes her hair.

"We're going to have a very important meeting with the Kim's. And also, you can be friends with everybody there. I'm sure you know Kim Hanbin, Goo Junhoe, Kim Jinhwan, and well, many more." Her mother stated.

"Mom, can I bring Yura and Amy with me? And so the other girls?" Choa asked excitedly. Her mother quickly shook her head.

"They are not invited. So, anyway, quickly get change, okay?" Her mother said. Choa nodded with a little bit of disappointment.

"Dear, that's okay. You can still meet your girl bestfriends after this. Do you want to have a sleepover? I can talk to their parents if you want to. Don't be sad, okay?" Her mother stated as she cupped Choa's cheeks. Choa nodded happily as she thought of her girl bestfriends having a sleepover in their house.

After that, Choa's mother left to change. And so, she quickly got changed too.

She went downstairs and saw her mother and father talking.

"I'm going to go there early, okay? So don't be late. It's the Kim's." Her father reminded her mother sternly.

"Ne~ so, Choa and I will leave later. We still have like, half an hour." Mrs. Kang stated. Her father nodded and left.

"Eommaaa~" Choa sang happily as she went downstairs.

"Aigoo~ my daughter~" Mrs. Kang cooed. "You're so pretty. So gorgeous!" Her mother exclaimed.

"So are you, mom." Choa said.

"So, do you wanna go now?" Mrs. Kang asked.

"Up to you, eomma." She replied.

"Well, we still have an hour left. It's still 3, we're going to leave at 4pm. So, I guess, we need to go to the dress shop and salon now." Her mother stated.

/after 1 hour and 23 minutes/

Mrs. Kang was shocked when she saw the missed call. 9 missed calls from 'Yeobo' she was wondering why the phone didn't rang, and she remembered that Choa put it into silent mode because they're still on the salon. She was losing her mind because they might lose the project for they are late. They're late for 23 minutes already. She picked her phone up and hurriedly grabbed Choa on the side.

"Choa! Why did you put it into silent mode? Now, we're late!" Mrs. Kang exclaimed as she drove fastly. Losing her mind thinking about the project. And the venue is kinda far.

"Mianhae, eomma. I didn't know." Choa cried, afraid of her mommy's fast driving. She held onto the seatbelt. "Mom, wear seatbelt!" Choa cried. Afraid of everything.

"We don't have ti--- Choa answer mommy's phone!" Mrs. Kang exclaimed. Her eyes slowly being removed from the road as she looked at Choa.

/call answered/

"Yah! Where are you?! The Kim's are kinda angry right now! Aish! Ppalli! You said you won't be late!" Choa's father exclaimed as soon as Choa answered the phone.

"Ne! Ne! I'm on my----


Choa hit her head on the glass as she heard a truck and a car accident sound. She felt blood flowing out from her head. She immediately turned her head looking at her mother. She blacked out.

The last image of her mother was devastating. Her mother was unconscious as her head bleed. Her face covered with blood. And mostly... her body twisted and compacted on the steering wheel.

/end of flashback/


Sorry it took long. I'm really busy. Sorry again. But then again, the 2 chapter promise. After 1 week, or 2, I'm going to update the next chapter. So, please wait for it. Thank you again everyone~ for your support. Sorry for the mistakes, typos, and etc. It's 1 am here on our country so yeah sorry. That's allll~

Please do vote and comment! I need motivation that's why. Hahaha.

Saranghae my readers~

With The Boys [iKON x GOT7 (COMPLETED)]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt