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Hani's POV
Im still bothered. Who owns that voice? Let's not think about it. I'll try.

Inside the car.
Im riding at the passengers seat with Jinhwan and Yunhyeong. While, Chanwoo and Junhoe are infront. We used two cars, we can't fit on one car.

"You don't remember me?" Jinhwan suddenly asked. Remember? Why, have we met?

"Have we met before?" I asked, confused. I can't remember meeting him though.

"Yup. Figure it yourself. I won't tell you." He said and smiled. Remember? Like, have I seen him? Have I known him? Did I knew him before?

God! Im so confused! First, The voice thing, and now this?

I just ignored him and kept thinking.

I haven't seen him before, have I?


"Oh. Mianhamnida." I told him and bowed. He looked at me with a blank expression.

"You don't know me, do you?" He asked. Of course I don't!

"I don't," I told him. He just left without saying a word. I just shrugged it off.

Its him!!

"I remember you, now. The short guy I bumped into." I said and giggled.

"I may be a short guy, but, Im almighty." He said and chuckled at his own thought.

I chuckled too at his thought.

"Okay, okay, I remember you now." I said, then suddenly Yunhyeong yawns. And he leaned on my shoulder. He's so cute. Like a baby.

Unknown POV
My heart ached, seeing how close Yunhyeong is to Hani. I wish I was on his place. Im definitely not going to leave Hani's side. They looked like couple. They could make a perfect couple. But, I don't want that to happen. This situation is killing me. I can't bare seeing Yunhyeong sleeping on Hani's shoulder and hugging her arms. Ugh. I wish I just rode DoubleB's car, atleast I can't see them this close, and my heart wouldn't ache. Ugh! I hate Donghyuk. He said he wanted to ride with Bobby that is why he exchanged cars. Sigh. I'm not really going to get a girl.

Im just going to marry an unknown girl, a strange girl, a girl that I didn't even know exists, and the end of the day. I need to follow my father's dream of me, marrying a rich girl that can help us with our business. In our family, and even us, Rhythm Ta, all of us are under the deal or the common 'fixed marriage' or 'arranged marriage'. My parents are also under the fixed marriage thing, but they learned to love each other. And now, I guess, they're the happiest couple alive. Sigh. I wish I could only love Hani.

Ever since the first day I met Hani, my heart literally jumped high crazily. I know I may be sometimes harsh to her, but, no words could describe how much I love her. You know, 'love at first sight'? At first, I didn't believe it. But, Hani proved that 'love at first sight' is real. She is just being herself, that's why I love her. She's so beautiful in her own ways. I don't even know a day can't last without seeing her. This plan of accompanying her to buy some stuffs, it's all my plan, like totally, I can't really let the day passed by without seeing her. The night that I called her, I literally felt freedom, I confessed to my one and only love, but she doesn't know who is me. If only we're close just like Yunhyeong. I promised, Im gonna be her bestfriend too.


Hani's POV
Finally, after the long drive, we dropped by to Coex Mall. Yunhyeong clings to my arm like he's life depends on it. Ugh.

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