Life in line

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Hani's POV

Eo? Where am I?

It's all black.

Why can't I moved?

I am tied?!

What is happening?!

My phone, it is ringing. But, I can't reach it. My hands are tied.


I recognized that voice immediately.

Kang Choa.

"Why am I tied?! What are you doing to me?! Ya!!" I exclaimed.

"Go, cover her mouth," she said.

Third-Person's POV

The boys were dead worried.

"I'm calling her, but she isn't picking up!" Jinhwan exclaimed. "Dammit!"

"I can't track Hani noona's phone," Donghyuk said.

All of them feeling hopeless.

Yura then shot up straight.

"Yedeura, Kang Choa,"

Her name made them furious.

All of them sighed angrily. More like growled.

[A/N: 으르렁 EXO. Mianhae, I'm an EXO-L, too~^^]

"That witch! Ugh! I think I might kill her," Junhoe said, obviously furious.

"We can't do anything if we just stay here and blame everyone around," Hanbin finally said. He was being quiet all this time. Also blaming his self for he shouted at Hani and Junhoe earlier.

After Hanbin said that, all of them sighed again.

Not until Jinhwan's phone rang.

And it was from Hani.

The boys were delighted and worried at the same time and they obviously anticipated the call.

"Hani?! Where are you, you woman! We'll pi—" Jinhwan and the boys were left speechless when they heard Choa spoke.

"Go, pick her dead body up," Choa said.

"Bitch, you're kidding, right?" Yura said and laughed awkwardly.

"Yup, you know me too well, traitor. I was going to shoot a gun at her but I got really annoyed at these consecutive rings from her damn phone," she chuckled.

They were terrified. Horribly terrified.

"Say your last words to your dear Hani, boys," she said cutely. But the boys were really mad and terrified.

Especially when they heard Hani. She can't speak, her voice was muffled. She was shouting but it was being prevented.

Yura cried. She can't believe all of this.

"You've gone crazy!" Jinhwan exclaimed.

"You left me! You all left me!" she stopped for awhile and chuckled evily again. "And this is the punishment," she said before hanging up.

With The Boys [iKON x GOT7 (COMPLETED)]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt