Overload [Part 1]

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Hanbin's POV

We were cut off when we all saw Hani walking towards us.

She's really a goddess.

I was mesmerized by her beauty, her presence was so intimidating, mixed with elegance as she walked.

"H-Hani, is that you?"Jackson asked. And Hani made two peace signs and smiled at us.

Amazement was tinted on his voice.

"How did we do, sire?" Archie, one of my personal stylists, asked me with a great smile.

"You all did great," I stated. Then the three of them, high-fived. "Very great," I added.

"Okay, we've done our work, sire. We need to go now," Richel, again one of them, stated. I nodded and they left.

"You know how to walk on those high heels?" Mark asked Hani. Hani shrugged.

"I don't even know how to walk on these," she stated and sighed.

"But you walk so professionally," Mark said to her.

"Maybe, you're born with that talent," Yura said. We all looked at her, shocked why she was interfering on our talk.

"Oops. Sorry, no outsiders and sluts allowed," Bobby said and he purposely pushed Yura down. She yelped in pain and shockness while she helped herself stood up.

"Bobby! She's a girl for heck's sake!" Hani exclaimed, furiously. She helped Yura up.

Why did Hani help her? She doesn't need any help. In fact, she deserves everything.

"H-Hani, I'm okay, I-I think your friends really hates me," Yura stated.

Tsk. What a bitch. If only Hani wasn't really that blind to notice that Yura was just playing with her and later on she'll tell Choa everything.

"No, don't listen or be affected to them, okay? They're bunch of idiots," she stated. We were shocked.

We were all shocked.

She was really angry.

She was not joking awhile ago.

"I was disappointed by all of you," Hani looked at us one by one and stopped at Bobby. "Specifically you, Kim Bobby, I didn't know that you don't respect girls," she stated. "And all of you, why didn't you stop Bobby from pushing Yura? You think this isn't a big deal? What if your mom was Yura? What if your mom was the one who had been called a slut? What if someone doesn't like your mom and just pushed her? What if it's your sister who got pushed and called a slut? How would you feel, huh?" She looked at me and Jaebum, "-both of you are their leaders, you should lead them in the right way. Not in a way where you'll bully a girl you're judging, why are you like this? She's willing to change, right? Why are you still like this, then? You're protecting me? You're giving me a warning? But why can't you do the same to my fellow girls? You don't even know her fully. What about you just leave me? You're not respecting my fellow girls, right? Leave me. Just leave me. How would that sound?" She cried.

Her words stabbed right into my heart. She was right. We really didn't respect Yura. I'll admit that. She was still a girl.

I lowered my head, feeling so ashamed of myself.

A later while, we saw her, walking with Yura, leaving us.


A short update. :) Hope you liked this.

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