Names and Revelations

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Hani's POV

"Yes. It did come to that point." Mark said. I froze on my seat.

The story that the guys (Ryhthm Ta) told me, went on. They saw Choa kissing a guy.

["None of us knew that she is cheating. Until one day, walking on the streets together with the guys, we saw Choa with another man, kissing. And then there. Everything changed."]

"A-Ah? Really?" I asked. Still stunned. I'm really nervous and scared right now.

"Why? Is there a problem about that, noona?" Yugyeom asked me.

"A~ of course there is a problem about that. Choa is disgusting. Well, I'm stating the truth. So, why ask noona when you know the answer?" Bambam scoffed.

They all seemed annoyed and kinda angry at Choa.

"But, I'm asking noona! Not you! Maybe for us, there is really a problem about that, but for noona, of course she has a different perspective." Yugyeom explained.

"So, noona, again, is there a problem with that kissing thingy?" Yugyeom continued asking.

"Uhm. Well, not really." I said. Seriously not sure about what I said. My mind is still blank.

"See? Noona has a different perspective, Bambam!" Yugyeom exclaimed. Like he won or something. Then Bambam sat, pouting.

Tsk. Still childish. Typical.

"Guys, we're here!" JB exclaimed as he turned the car engine off.

We went out and saw a beautiful park.

And we went to the private side

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And we went to the private side.

"Okay, let's wait for iK- uhm, I mean Rhythm Ta." Jaebum said and laughed awkwardly.



Third Person's POV

While on the car of Rhythm Ta.

Chanwoo | Bobby
Hanbin | Yunhyeong | Jinhwan
Donghyuk | Junhoe

"Guys, should we tell Hani noona our new name?" Chanwoo asked.

Because they just changed their name into iKON instead of Rhythm Ta.

IKon Union Academy is done already. It's Clerkon Hillion Academy.

"I think so." Bobby said.

"Well, we really need to tell noona our new name. Of course, like, would you like it if others calls us iKON and noona calls us Ryhthm Ta? It is weird, isn't it? And also, why wouldn't we tell her our new name?" Donghyuk said, as a matter of fact. And left the boys with awe.

"As expected, the top intelligent one." Yunhyeong cooed as he went back to his phone.

"A~ not to mention Hanbin who's not yet talking the whole time." Jinhwan said as they all looked at Hanbin.

With The Boys [iKON x GOT7 (COMPLETED)]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt