Best Buddies.

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Hani's POV
A pair of hands grabbed my wrist and encircled me through his arms.

"Hani-ssi, are you okay?" I looked up and saw Yunhyeong. He looked worried about me.

"Y-You followed m-me?" I asked. He nodded and kiss the top of my head. I hugged him tight and buried my face on his chest. He hugged me tight too.

"Hani, don't you ever think of leaving your parents. They are just worried about you earlier. They just want you to be safe." He explained. Somehow, he got a point.

"But, they just said some things and even slapped me, 2 times. They didn't even give me a chance to explain of what happened and why did I came home late." I said. We walked towards the bench Im talking to earlier and we sat there.

"Care to share?" He asked, while handing me his jacket because Im wearing a dress.

"Well, I met Hanbin at a coffee shop and we stayed there for like 30 minutes chatting randomly and awkwardness always fills us up. Then the school tour, it took us couple of hours to finish the tour, the Academy is big. Then when he was about to dropped me by, I remembered I haven't eaten breakfast and I felt dizzy. I was about to open the gate when I also remembered I don't have the key, and my family went out. Then I fainted, luckily he caught me on time. Then I woke up in an unknown room and I saw Hanbin walking towards me. That time its already 6:30 or something like that because I slept long. Of course he offered me food, and I ate that. After that, we just chatted and we noticed that it is already dark outside and he told me he should dropped me at my home already. Then there! That incident happen. See, they didn't even know the reason!" I exclaimed. Yunhyeong just looked at me.

"Hani, did he do something bad to you?" He asked. Referring to Hanbin. I shook my head.

"No, he definitely took good care of me, even though he just met me today. But, didn't you told me that you're 'best buddies' with him?" I asked. Kinda curious.

"Y-yeah, we are. He is our leader." He said. Leader? Are they gangsters? Are they in a fraternity?

"Y-you mean, you're in a fraternity??" I asked. Curiousness on my voice, he laughed and looked at me. Why did he laugh?

"No, silly, we have a group, and he is our leader, we're not a gang nor a member of fraternity. Just a circle of friends and we have a leader." He explained. I just go "Ah." I wish when I will enter the Academy, I will have good friends too. I don't want to be lonely. I want to have friends whom I can share some stories and stuffs to. I want to have friends who will accept me for who I am, they won't judge me, they will always be there for me. I want to have those kind of friends. Not to mention I have Solji, but she and I are kinda not close already.

"Are you deep in your thoughts?" He asked, startling me.

"Kinda. I was just thinking if I entered that Academy, would I be able to have many friends?" I asked. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Duh. With that personality of yours, I bet they will swam over to you just to become close with you." He said and looked away. He's gotta point. I let out a big sigh and leaned on the bench.

"Im still deep in my thoughts." I said, he looked at me and patted his shoulder, signaling me to lean on his shoulder instead. I leaned on his shoulder comfortably and sigh.

"Im here, Hani. I will always help you on your problems no matter what." He said. Wow, such a caring person. I smiled.

"What if my parents will get mad at me more?" I asked.

"Sure they are, after what you did, but, just let time heal everything. They will miss you too." He said.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Can you face them now?" He asked. Well, I still can't. That is the first time my parents slapped me. I know they are kinda overreacting.

"I still can't. It is hard to face them. Gosh, my face still burns from my mom's slap." I said and caressed my own cheeks. Then suddenly Yunhyeong kissed both of my cheeks.

My face immediately heated up as I felt his lips on my cheeks. My eyes widened.

"Y-yah! Why did you do that?!" I asked, a bit flustered.

"Mianhe, I hope I lessened the pain you're suffering." He said softly. That made me blush so hard.

"Oppa, you're embarrassing me." I said. He just chuckled and ruffled my hair.

Yunhyeong's POV
I was surprised when I saw her mom slapping her. And she ran away, when I followed her, I held her tightly. She hugged me back surprisingly.

"I still can't. It is hard to face them. Gosh, my face still burns from my mom's slap." She said, while she was leaning on my shoulder. I saw her held her own cheeks. I suddenly held her face and kissed her cheeks which made her surprised and embarrassed.

"Y-yah! Why did you do that?!" She said, she really is embarrassed. How cute she is.

"Mianhe, I hope I lessened the pain you're suffering." I said softly. She looked down with her face beet red from what I have done.

"Oppa, you're embarrassing me." She said, so cute! I chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"Hey, wanna have a sleepover?" I asked, since she said she can't still face her parents, where will she sleep,  right? So its not bad to let her have a sleepover on my house. Sure my mom and will love her too.

"Huh? Me? You? Sleepover?" She asked, a bit of nervousness on her voice. I nodded slowly and she looked at me with an are-you-serious face.

"Yah! Im serious," I said, then I quickly guessed what she was thinking. Perverted Hani, huh? "Aha! I know what are you thinking, Ms. Hani! Don't worry, I don't bite." I said playfully and winked at her. Her eyes widened and she quickly hit my arm. I groaned in pain.

"You're so gross, oppa." She said, I just laughed because she blushed.

"Joke, hahaha. Hani, of course you'll sleep on our guess room. You said you can't still face your parents. So where will you sleep, right? Let's just go back tomorrow afternoon." I said as a matter of fact.

"Ahhh. I see," she said. "Uhm. Oppa, I just want to say thank you  for everything. I am glad I have you as my friend. If you're not here, I may just sleep in this bench until tomorrow. You're truly kind." She said and smiled. Wow, such a thoughtful person.

"I don't want to be a friend, I want more than that." I said, then she looked at me shocked.

"W-What are you s-saying?" She asked, completely shocked. I leaned in forward towards her ear and whispered..

"I wanna be your bestfriend." I said, and she released a deep sigh and chuckled.

"Of course, best buddies?" She asked and took her hands up, waiting for me to shake hands with her. I quickly held her hand and shook it up and down too.

"Best buddies." I said, we both laughed and hugged each other. Dammit. I felt my heart racing. It can't be true that I like her. I thought. Im just gonna be hurt at the end if so.

"Let's go?" I asked. And offered my hand, she nodded and help my hand too.

Yey! They are already bestfriends! So, I know this is kinda lame but please bare with it. Vote and comment please~♡

Saranghae IKONICS!

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