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"James!" a female voice yelled across the bar as behind said servery, glasses and bottles shattered.

"Sounds like someone's happy," a man said, quietly chuckling along with his three companions. He got to his feet with his half-drunk pint in hand. "What's he done this time, Earsplitter? Left the toilet seat up again?"

He turned back to his friends, laughing, and noticeably less than a second later they joined in, too, although their laughter was short-lived.

"Sit the fuck down, Johnny!" The words directed at him were spoken with such venom and distaste, and a force that he was unable to resist pushed him back into his seat.

"Someone needs to change her tampon," he muttered, though this time his friends did not laugh.

Earsplitter shot Dave, the barman, a look and he nodded to his right, to the pool room, and she strode through the throng of her fellows, in her anger not caring that she physically barged several of them out of her way. They knew better than to engage her when she was so riled, though, if they wanted to keep their eardrums intact, that is.

"Sally!" a young man, James, placed his pool cue to the table excitedly as she entered, though the look on her face quickly quelled that excitement.

"Don't you fucking Sally me," she yelled, the force behind her words pushing him backwards towards the wall, despite the fact he was certain his feet were planted firmly.

Before she was able to do any more damage, James shook violently and became encased in a block of solid ice. Even that though, was no match for Sally.

"Don't you fucking dare go all Permafrost on me, either!" Her shrill voice did exactly what she knew it would, and shattered the ice that had until moments ago engulfed him. "You shagged Amanda."

"Amanda?" he asked. "Wait, d'you mean A-Blaze?"

"Who the fuck else would I mean?" she hissed.

"I never," he protested. "Seriously, babe, who told you that?"

"She did, you fuck. She showed me the damn pictures!"

She snapped her head around as she felt a tap on her shoulder, and just about managed not to make Dave's eardrums explode. It wasn't a good idea to severely injure the man who served the Supers beer at cost and a half.

"Listen," he said, quietly. "If you two are gonna' have another domestic can you take it outside? If I have to refurbish The Citadel of Seclusion again, it just won't be the same."

"I'd keep out of it if I were you, Dave," said the guy who had been beating James at pool. "You know they'll front the damage so long as you keep the beer flowing."

"Fair enough," said Dave with a shrug. "But it's on you, Bedrock. You gotta' make sure they pay for whatever damage they cause."

"I got your back, Dave," he replied, his voice low and gravelly. "Besides, judging by the way Johnny's giggling like a fucking school girl, I'm pretty sure he had something to do with this shit."

Leaving the bickering couple to their squabble, Bedrock strode across the bar to where Johnny and his friends were finding the whole episode apparently quite amusing.

He wasn't a large man, not really, but his body was about as close to solid muscle as was possible. Very few people, even Supers, willingly picked a fight with Bedrock.

"Evening, Johnny," he said, placing the flats of his hands upon the table, sticky as it was with spilled beer and other beverages. "Something tickling you, is it?"

TK Special #1 - AngusEcrivain... Apparently He Writes Sci-Fi, Too!Where stories live. Discover now