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The flicker of candlelight emitting from the ancient chandelier over head interrupted the otherwise encompassing silence. It's glow was the perfect juxtaposition to the cold stone walls, something that I could find comfort in now. Over time I've grown accustomed this place, including the cobwebs and dust covering what was left of the furniture.

This place, this giant rock castle, had been my home for the better half of a year now. At first I felt adversely to my new assignment due to the constant screams of the prisoners, not entirely used to audible wails of pain for such long periods of time. But after a couple months, I had the guards relocate some of the more vocal occupants. Since then, I was finally free to enjoy my solitude in peace.

Peace, yeah right.

Sighing, I pushed myself up from my desk to look out at the dusk sky, ignoring my negative thoughts.

Now was not the time to be sulking, not when things were so uncertain. I hadn't heard back from Orochimaru or Kabuto about any of my reports, and I was beginning to wonder if the rumors were indeed true.

As I turned to the two ceiling-high windows behind me, I noticed thick storm clouds rolling in from the south. They hung heavily over the gray stony mountain range, stretching from here down to the great Hidden Stone Village.

The sight almost made me nostalgic. I used to find so much pleasure in it; the rain.

Reaching out, I placed my hand to the stone wall as I shifted my weight and suddenly felt a surge of powerful chakra ripple through me. It was enticingly powerful chakra, and my eyes gleamed as I recognized the signature approaching.

And what a surprise, he had a posse with him.

"Seems like I have some visitors," I mused to myself with a smile.

As if on cue, loud explosions could be heard coming from the far entrance to the castle. They were clearly forcing their way through the security, and I had no doubt that they would be successful. After all, none of my requests for extra guardsmen had been answered. There was barely anyone stationed out there capable enough to hold back intruders and I wasn't the slightest bit worried about it.

I could take care of myself.

A few moments later, the heavy door on the far side of my office creaked open slowly. I turned my head from the window to be greeted with the very famous smirk I was expecting.

So the rumors were true...

Sasuke Uchiha. He looked pretty much the same as the last time I saw him, with his giant rope belt and his holier-than-thou aura, but something about him seemed slightly darker. He also had bandages around his forehead and torso, suggesting that he had been recently injured. A subconscious blush crept up on my cheeks as I continued to take in his appearance. It couldn't be helped, not when his chest was as exposed as it was. I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't find Sasuke attractive. In fact, I always have, ever since that day, but such things were of no importance anymore.

I glanced behind him at the unspoken crew who followed and bit my lip to keep from showing my distaste. I recognized Karin immediately, not bothering to study the two behind her yet.

Karin and I... well, we didn't exactly get along. We've only had a handful of encounters with each other before now, but I could never forget her smart mouth.

We were placed on a mission together back in our younger years, when we were first recruited by the snake sannin. That's really when it started. Without going into too much detail, our history ultimately boils down to squabbling over who's sensory abilities were better. She's always felt inferior to me, ever since Orochimaru mentioned that I was making more, faster improvements than she was. It wasn't long afterwards that I was reassigned to this hideout, and honestly, I haven't thought about her since.

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