Y O U are N E V E R A L O N E

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Sasuke's POV

My fists clamped shut on their own as I stood thoroughly paralyzed in place. My mouth was closed in a tight line, but my eyes were wide open, staring straight ahead, unblinking... struggling to hold back tears.



My mouth ran dry and it became incredibly hard to swallow. It was all I could do to keep breathing.

"I can feel my consciousness fading... I need to tell you everything before we part."

Everything... everything that Danzo and Tobi relayed to me was the truth. I watched it with my own two eyes. I witnessed Itachi's memories... the painful, guilt ridden memories...

"I regret now... not telling you everything before it had come to this."

My vision began to blur at the edges as I recalled Itachi's glowing appearance. Pieces of his reincarnated body slowly became weightless around him, disappearing without a trace.

"Now... I believe... that perhaps you could have changed them: Father, mother, and the rest of the Uchiha."

I remembered his labored walk towards me, with his hand outstretched in the way it always used to be... before...

"This time, before I go, I want to impart this truth to you..."

I choked, taking a shaky breath inward. My eyes shut fast as a single tear escaped my control.

"...you don't ever have to forgive me..."

One, two, three more tears streaked my face and I dropped my head, allowing my hair to fall over my eyes and hide the pain.

"And no matter what you do from here on out, know this...

I will love you, always."

I ground my teeth together, unable to keep the misery in any longer. My eyes continued to cry, creating small puddles on the stone under my feet. I felt like I was losing myself as my heart began pounding in my chest.

Was I even breathing anymore...?

Itachi pressed his forehead against mine in his final moments, glowing brighter as the seconds passed. I could still feel the ghost of his hand on the back of my head.

"Love... is more powerful than hate, Sasuke. It always will be. Remember that..."

I sobbed aloud, biting my lip to keep the heartache in as best as I could.


Itachi's kind smile was burned into my brain... forever implanted in my memory. And then, in the blink of an eye, he was gone. All at once his bright glow vanished, leaving me here alone again.

Why...? Why do you always leave me alone?

I took a unstable breath inward.

"You are never alone, Sasuke..."

My eyes flew open at the words that were not mine. I couldn't tell if they were uttered aloud as I looked frantically around the cave, desperate to find the source.

"Itachi?!" I called out, knowing deep down that I would not get a reply. I frowned and relaxed my fists, letting my arms hang freely by my sides.

What do I do now?

One tear rolled down my face again before I closed my eyes. Itachi's smiling face greeted me behind my eyelids, and I felt my heart beat finally return to normal. His smile... it was the happiest that I remembered him ever looking. I held on to that image, but slowly his glowing face began to ripple and suddenly I was staring at Ayuka. Her giant eyes blinked at me expectantly before they closed to accompany her growing smile. Her head tilted to the left slightly, making her long blonde hair fall over her shoulders.

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